
<<passionate enthusiasm>>

Zeal is characterised by an extra-ordinary drive or vigour, a wholehearted, ‘sold-out’ approach. This determination to achieve is contrasted with a causal ‘half-hearted’ lukewarm approach that God declares is nauseating to Him (Rev 3:15,16). How do I rate my relationship with Him? Whatever the level it will have an outworking in my everyday life.

It is commendable to be focused, keen and motivated, however youth especially can be so ‘fired up’, believing in a cause, they loose sight of reality, becoming fanatical or off balanced. Being zealous is fine, provided the purpose is good (Gal 4:17,18). Paul, before he met Jesus was religiously zealous (Act 8:3, 9:1,2; Gal 1:14; Phil 3:6). “There is a way

Depending on its objective, zeal can be good or bad

that seems right to man but leads to death” (Prov 14:12). Therefore, our zeal must have a solid foundation of knowledge and truth with the correct goal (Rom 10:2). After Paul's radical conversion, his previously mis-directed zeal was now applied toward expanding the knowledge of Christ to as many people as he could (Rom 15:20).

It involves a wholehearted commitment to do ‘whatever it takes’ – rigorous discipline, detailed planning, making no excuses, only accepting results and refusing to back down. To remain committed to your goal you must push on regardless of the critics, discouragement and obstacles. Long-term commitment coupled with intense desire and effort will bring success. Jesus was not controlled or swayed by peer pressure, and displayed zeal when, in His devotion to God’s glory, He overturned the moneychangers’ tables and cleansed the temple of their greed (Jn 2:13-17).

God rewards a diligent “when you seek me with all your heart” attitude with the declaration, “I will be found by you” (Jer 29:13,14). “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep
your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord” (Rom12:11). Some people go all out for a cause

Am I zealous for the Lord’s work?

for a short space of time then either burnout or something new grabs their attention and they change their allegiance. God desires we remain consistent, following Him with our whole heart, not having divided loyalties (Mt 6:24; Mk 12:30; Rev 2:4). The Bible's message is, “Always be zealous for the fear [reverence] of the Lord” with the encouragement of “The heartfelt fervent prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (Prov 23:17; Jas 5:16). With such rewards this is an incentive to live a godly life and bring our requests to the throne of grace.

A person with zeal overlooks the personal cost, sacrificing in favour of the bigger picture; they can muster up seemingly limitless energy, emanate passion, have persistence, a drive to achieve and breakthrough convinced the task in hand must be accomplished, viewing their involvement as significant to the success. Those with zeal for a cause are not just passive recipients of its merits, they are committed, active participants taking ownership, sharing the vision and recruiting others.

See also: accountability, attitude, balance, commitment, devotion, drive/driven, enthusiasm, focused, foundation, goal, passion, purpose, truth.