
<<of no value>>

Nothing God creates or does is  worthless and that includes us. We may not accept His view or may fail to achieve anything of value yet our core significance remains unchanged – we are made in the image of God Himself and He desires we spend eternity

God doesn't make junk

with Him (Gen 1:26,27; Jn 6:40, 14:3,6; 1 Tim 2:3,4). Satan would try to destroy our worth but we must agree with God's view. He says we are of infinite worth, with Jesus dying in our place to bring us into eternal relationship with Him if we accept His offer of salvation (Rom 5:8; Eph 1:11,12; 2 Pet 3:9; 1 Jn 3:1).

It is recorded of the Israelites that “they followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless” (2 Kgs 17:15). What a pitiful result to come from the choices they made. Jesus asked, “What good is it for a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit their life in hell” (Lk 9:25). At the end of your life will the conclusion be it has all been futile, with nothing of value or substance done for the Kingdom of God – just ‘a chasing after the wind’ (Eccl 2:11)?

Jesus spoke about pruning when the unproductive branches on a vine are removed, because they are not accomplishing their intended function (Jn 15:2-4). Like the gardener we sometimes need to ‘prune and spray’ in order to reap a good harvest in our lives. David prayed “Turn my heart towards you God and my eyes away from worthless things” (Ps 31:6, 119:37). Money or other material riches are of no help when facing death, nor when answerable before God’s judgement throne (Prov 11:4).

Both Jesus and Paul said, “I have finished what you gave me to do” (Jn 17:4; 2 Tim 4:7). Have you discovered your specific God-given calling in life? Don’t put undue resources or effort into things that have no lasting significance or consequence, otherwise your perspective will become warped and you will end up totally disillusioned and missing God’s purpose for your life (Isa 44:9; Jer 2:5; Mt 6:19,20; Jn 6:27).

The Bible’s message is to ponder the path of our feet (Prov 4:26). Unless there is a radical transformation in the heart which results in a noticeable lifestyle change (especially with the

When feeling unloved, unimportant or insecure, remember to whom you belong – speak to Him about it

tongue) a person’s religious stance is worthless (Prov 4:23; Jas 1:26). Paul knew his background, upbringing, and misdirected ‘service’ to God before his conversion were of no eternal value (Phil 3:4-9). Likewise, this can even be the case for Christians if our good works and efforts for the Kingdom of God are self-directed and come from wrong motives (Mt 6:1-8,16-18; 1 Cor 3:10-15). We need to be connected – in vital relationship with God – in order to fulfil His purposes rather than being discarded.

See also: connection, focus, futility, good works, insignificant, self-esteem, useful, useless, value, vanity (2), worth/worthy.