Word of Knowledge
This supernatural gift often operates in combination with prophecy (speaking God’s heart and intentions to people) and the word of wisdom (a message from God which brings insight, inspiration and understanding into a situation) and is one of the gifts of the Spirit given to build up the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:7,8).
A word of knowledge is God revealing something about a person or current situation that is unknown to the person bringing the word; it will contain specific details that only the person it is shared with could know. It is a reminder that God knows us and our situation, better than we know ourselves.
Natural knowledge is the accumulation of information and facts through the everyday means of education and learning that is available to all enquiring minds, which is different to the facts revealed or imparted by God which are not the product of human ability or special education.
Jesus operated in the word of knowledge saying, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!...I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you” (Jn 1:47,48). It is evident that it was from something that had occurred under the fig-tree that Jesus judged of his character. Jesus did not say that he was bodily present with Nathanael and saw him; but He knew his thoughts, his desires, his secret feelings and wishes. Nathanael said in effect, ‘I am a stranger to you, so how can you know my character?' His conscience testified to the truth of what Jesus said that he had no guile, yet he was desirous to know how He had learned his character for he was certain none could know but God and his own conscience. His doubts about the validity of the Messiah were dispelled and he followed Jesus (Jn 1:49). Jesus knows our hearts, what is done in secret, especially in our private devotions where we can’t impress others.
Another time Jesus operated in this supernatural word of knowledge was when He stated to the woman at the well that she has had five husbands in the past and is now unmarried, but with another man (Jn 4:17,18). Her testimony was, "Come see a man who told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" resulting in many believing in Him (Jn 4:29,39-42). Nothing about us is hidden from God.
A true word of knowledge will not cause division or strife in the church nor will they be a means of manipulation to gain control and influence over others, but will bring people closer to Jesus.
See also: gifts of the Spirit, knowledge, prophecy, word of wisdom.