<<female gender>>
When God made men and women, He considered His handiwork excellent. Neither was superior or inferior to the other, being equal in His sight, but He gave them differing and complementary functions to fulfill in life (Gen 1:27,31; 1 Cor 11:11,12; Gal 3:28; 1 Pet 3:7). The women’s role included having children and taking care of the home, while the men provided for the family.
Men – Do I respect the women in my life?
single (Gen 3:1-6). It is important for all people to be in proper spiritual alignment for both protection (covering) and accountability so they are not lead astray (1 Cor 11:3-10; Eph 5:22-33).
Women are often physically weaker than men are, yet have qualities such as intuition and sensitive compassion that is not always found in men so have much to contribute to family life and society in general. Women are also emotionally wired differently to men, talking out their concerns and so needing good relationships to be able to function well, whereas men normally keep problems to themselves and tend to be more independent. Again, these qualities are vital to building sound families. The book of Proverbs ends by describing a woman of great wisdom, having good character, being multi-talented and showing great compassion (Prov 31:10-31).
Scripture encourages women to put more emphasis on being admired for their inner beauty rather than their physical beauty and outer apparel, besides dressing wisely, as men are easily aroused sexually by the female form (1 Tim 2:9,10; 1 Pet 3:3-6).
Women – Do I live so others will respect my womanhood?
became more acquainted with the Christian teaching they became valuable workers for Christ, and were involved with their husbands in the
of the gospel besides mentoring the younger women (Act 12:12, 18:2,3,24-28; Rom 16:1; Tit 2:4,5). Although often treated as inferior at
that time, numerous women throughout the Bible rose to places of significance, fulfilling leading roles. Some were Deborah, Esther,
Miriam, Elizabeth, and several Mary’s (Jdg 4:4,5; Est 2:17; Mic 6:4; Lk 1:30-33,42, 24:10). Each was willing and available to be used by
God on His terms. Am I?
Down through the ages Christians have laboured to secure equality for women wherever they have been downtrodden or abused. However, any ministry outside the home should only be undertaken after the family responsibilities have taken care of, along with the husband’s approval and within the bounds of God’s designed church structure.
See also: abuse, accountability, children, church (role of women), clothing, covering, feminine/feminism, husband, male/man, marriage, menstruation, rights, roles, submission, wife.