<<gain, be the victor>>
The highest authority we are answerable to is God, so pray for the courage to put His approval first. Many people and philosophies try to win us to their cause, and so diminish our effectiveness for the Kingdom of God. “Am I trying to win the approval of men, or of God?” (Gal 1:10). The testimony of Paul was that he considered everything worthless rubbish compared to what he gained through knowing Christ as Saviour, and he was continually straining towards the goal to win the prize of being everything God wanted him to be (Phil 3:8,14). It is futile to try to gain the whole world but lose your soul in the process (Mt 16:26).
Being a soul winner is actively sharing about Christ and His offer of salvation, with the goal to bring the unsaved into the family of God. By living with integrity and diligently applying ourselves to our daily life we will win the respect of those who don’t know Christ (Mt 5:16; 1 Thes 4:12; 1 Pet 2:12,15). Paul said he found common ground with non-believers so he could find opportunities to share Christ and win or gain them, by bringing them into the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 9:19-23). Those that wins souls are wise because they introduce people to God, with the lost receiving eternal life (Prov 11:30).
We can only be victorious and win the battles over Satan and the opposition that comes against us as we remain in close contact with, and are obedient to Christ, the one who defeated our enemy.
With Christ, we are on the team that wins
See also: conquer, soul winning, victory.