

Something that is useless does not fulfill any purpose so is often discarded. Some people with low self-esteem have a hopeless mindset that is characterised by not having any purpose in life, being lazy, and lacking motivation. While we all experience hurts and failures, this does not make us failures – refusing to try again does! Do not consider

Put yourself in the creator’s hands to discover your role

yourself useless, look to God the miracle worker, who is for you, He never rejects anyone (Jn 6:37; Rom 8:31). What a transformation Paul saw in Philemon –  “He was useless, but now has become useful” (Phm 1:11). Every believer can play a vital role in the Kingdom of God as they work with the Holy Spirit to be vessels of honour (2 Tim 2:20,21).

When there are setbacks don’t allow the negative encounters and Satan’s opinion define you or dictate your future as he tries to discourage us in anything we do for God. Be inspired as you observe the strengths of others, and what they are doing. Let

What unproductive areas of my life need to be worked on to bring forth something of value?

this be a catalyst to transform your thinking from ‘I’m useless, I can’t’ to ‘Yes, I can – through Christ’. In humility recognise “I can of my own self do nothing, yet through Christ’s power I can do what He asks and calls me to do” (Jn 5:30; Phil 4:13). Apply yourself, claiming His strength and enabling as you acknowledge, “I am weak but He is strong” (2 Cor 11:29, 12:10). He will use whatever we give to Him. It might seem insignificant or of little value, yet God can transform what is wholeheartedly surrendered to Him. In the natural world, a boy’s lunch was inadequate yet with Jesus on the scene, it fed several thousand people (Jn 6:9-13).

There must be reality in our profession of Christianity being outworked in our lives with actions backing up our words – "our faith made complete by what we do" – or else it is futile (Jas 2:20,22). The Israelites outwardly worshipped God with their lips but their hearts were not in it, this was a hollow token gesture that was hypocritical and useless in bringing any glory to God (Isa 29:13). Repeatedly in the Bible idols are termed useless as they are unable to respond (1 Sam 12:20,21; Ps 115:4-7; Jer 10:5,14).

A life lived without a vital connection to God is termed useless (Eccl 1:2-11). Don't make the mistake of trying to live without Him.

It is our responsibility to take captive any undisciplined, negative thoughts besides avoiding what is unprofitable and useless, wastes time and is of no eternal value (2 Cor 10:5; Tit 3:9). Salt that has lost its saltiness, (not fulfilling its purpose) is good for nothing but to be thrown out (Mt 5:13).

See also: failure, laziness, positive mental attitude, potential, self-esteem, useful, value, worthless.