
<<harmony, agreement>>

Unity necessitates some sort of relationship, with each party built up by positively working together for a common goal, and each being enriched through the ongoing compatibility and bonding.

All believers in Christ are united with Christ and all other believers. The Bible declares, "Whoever loves God must also love his brother" (1 Jn 4:20,21). Just as our bodies function through the numerous parts working together, so each believer in the body of Christ should outwork their giftings for the common good (Rom 12:4,5; 1 Cor 12:12-27;

Achieving and maintaining unity requires hard work

Eph 4:11-13; Col 2:2). As believers we are “all one in Christ” with the same overall goal and agreement in the essentials of the faith. Our purpose is to glorify God and help make disciples of all nations (Ps 34:3; Mt 28:19,20; Mk 9:40; Rom 15:5,6; 1 Cor 3:6-8). This doesn’t mean there won’t be conflict (that hopefully ends in reconciliation), differing views, methods and approaches to achieve that end but through the diversity of expressions there will be cohesion as each person is committed to work for the overall good, to find the best solution (Gal 3:28; Eph 4:4-6).

 A common objective spurs people on, achieving a multiplied effect of the individuals involved. The Bible stresses that we should “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” and demonstrate love, so strive for the dynamic power and impetus of unity (Lev 26:8; Deut 32:30; Neh 4:6; Prov 30:27; Lk 23:18,21,23; Col 3:14). God’s comment about a people who had one heart and language (a common purpose and literally said the same thing), was “Nothing will be impossible to them” (Gen 11:5,6). God blesses the harmonious relationships of Christians being “one in heart and mind” while demonstrating godly lifestyles (Ps 133:1,3; Act 4:32,33).

The effectiveness of a team results from everyone being focused on the same goal. This requires clear concise communication so everyone is fully informed and of the same mind. By working together, our weaknesses can be compensated for by the strengths of others with whom we are also in accountability. Never attack the personalities of others

How can I improve my working relationships with others?

involved or this will be to the detriment of the harmony needed to find the best way to deal with the task. Be joined with other Christians to fight the devil, not united with the devil to oppose and attack other believers for together we stand, divided we fall. Jesus stated a divided house [kingdom, marriage or business entity] cannot stand; it's success relies on harmony (Mt 12:25). Each part has to work properly together otherwise the functioning of the whole is impaired and vulnerable to further attack.

Christians should not quarrel but be unified around a common understanding of truth. Unity in Christ allows for individual churches and denominations to keep their distinctiveness and emphases while still working together in areas where they agree, displaying the power of the gospel and the applicability of its saving message to all (Gal 3:26-28). As fellow believers we should be speaking with one voice that glorifies God (Rom 15:5,6).

Destructive division is caused through self-centred desires, jealousy, pride, unforgiveness, criticism, worldliness and the differing goals and agendas of individualism. Alternatively, love, accountability, encouragement, honour, acceptance, forgiveness, tolerance, support and having a common godly purpose are unity builders as we consider others, giving up our own rights in humble submission yet all the while fulfilling our responsibilities as we adhere to the truth (Eph 4:2; Phil 2:1-11).

Jesus prayed that all His followers would be of one heart and mind, in love and common purpose so the world would know that God had sent Him and understand the Father loves them as much as God loves Him (Jn 17:11,21-23). “By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you love one

Unity with commitment to a goal brings results – Nehemiah 4:6

another” (Jn 13:35). He also said, “anyone who is not against Me is for Me” so do not hastily condemn or oppose a particular ministry or person till you have seen some of it’s fruit (Lk 6:44; Act 5:39). The Holy Spirit within all believers is the foundation stone of our unity as we reflect the grace Christ has shown us, to others (Lk 6:31; Eph 4:3; 1 Pet 3:8). The Trinity provides our model of perfect unity and demonstrates that unity is not uniformity. Unity is only truly appreciated when people work together shoulder to shoulder.

However, unity is not to be pursued when it detracts from the truth that is in Christ. We are told to separate from professing Christians who live in persistent, unrepentant sin and from those who teach false doctrine ( (Mt 18:15-17; 1 Cor 5:1,2; Rev 2:14,15).

God’s case study

By uniting through marriage and working as one a man and woman, although different physically, psychologically and emotionally, they complement each other and provide a model for their family. Loving submission according to God’s authority structure will

May God give us a spirit of unity

result in respect and devotion to one another with honour, honesty and harmony (Rom 12:10; Eph 5:21-6:9). The response of willing hearts living in peace and harmony accomplishes more in the pursuit of a common goal and is easier on the emotions than disunity caused by infighting, divisive dissension and forced submission. The golden rule of “Doing to others as we would they do to us” is basic to harmonious relationships “Can two walk together unless they agree?” asked the Lord (Amos 3:3; Lk 6:31). That is why Paul said a believer should not marry an unbeliever (2 Cor 6:14-16; Eph 5:16).

See also: agreement, communication, compromise, co-operation, conflict, controversial issues, co-operation, division, golden rule, harmony, individualism, marriage, opinion, partnership, relationships, strength, submission, together, tolerate.