
<<fixed, constant>>

God declared, “I, the Lord change not” (Mal 3:6). The Psalmist agreed, “You don’t change…Forever [your] word is settled in heaven” (Ps 102:27, 119:89).

Be very glad God is forever true to His Word

Likewise, the Bible states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb 13:8). God’s promises, character and nature can be relied on as they always remain true to what is recorded in the Bible, and He always wants the best for humanity.

The standards of God, as revealed in the Ten Commandments, have not changed since these were first given some 6000 years ago (Ex 20:3-17). His standards have not altered or been revoked but remain fixed, and so He will judge with justice and fairness (Ps 9:8, 96:10,13, 98:9; Jn 12:48).

As humans, we all have unchangeable facets of our lives over which we did not and do not have any control, yet these make us unique, distinguishing us from any other person. These include our nationality, our parents, our gender, and the time of our birth and death. However, our physical characteristics and our basic mental capabilities can be altered, to a limited degree, by cosmetic surgery and diligent development of the mind.

God doesn’t change as He is already perfect; we are the ones who need to be constantly changing by coming into closer alignment with His standards. He needs our co-operation to be transformed from the raw material of what we are into ‘vessels of honour’ and immense value – “useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work” (2 Tim 2:21). As He sees the potential in each of us and has a specific purpose for our lives, do not resist but co-operate with Him to bring this about.

God is consistent with His declaration – the soul that sins dies, but through the divine exchange Jesus took our sin and punishment for us (Ezek 18:4,20; Rom 5:8; 2 Cor 5:21; 1 Pet 3:18). Out of His gracious heart, He only does what He has promised to do all along – not punish sinners who repent and turn from their evil ways. He chooses not to do what He has every right to do.

See also: change, dependable, immutable, stability.