This is the term for a person whose gender identity, expression or behaviour does not conform to that typically associated with the sex they were born. This is also known as transsexualism, Gender Identity Disorder (GID), or gender dysphoria. This confusion is largely the result of the mother projecting her strong wishes for a child of the opposite sex to what was actually born, and is outworked in how the child is brought up and even dressed, leading to the ongoing practice of transvestism (cross dressing).
Another factor is a breakdown in the emotional relationship with the parent of the same sex, usually at a young age. This same-gender relationship is where we absorb that identity – a learned behaviour. When a young, impressionable child is detached from that figurehead confusion about sexual orientation may result. Early childhood upbringing and hormonal disorders may also contribute to the unnatural feelings of those who perceive this mis-match of mind and body with some even undertaking medical assistance to transition from one gender to another.
The Bible says, “male and female He created them” – (two only genders) with the modern-day confusion and gender fluidity not mentioned (Gen 1:27).
Many claim they are trapped in the wrong body, especially during puberty when the hormones are bringing bewildering mental messages together with major physical and emotional changes. This requires addressing the thought processes to bring the mind into alignment with the physical body. Regardless of the perceived reasons healing can be received, and lives changed through the salvation and continuing reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit. God promises to walk alongside His children and give the strength to overcome any and all sinful temptations (1Cor 6:19, 10:13; Gal 5:19-23).
See also: gender, identity, inner healing, sexual sins, sexuality, thinking/thoughts, trans-sexual.