

Some people will only come to their senses when they hit rock bottom through major crisis, calamity or tragedy. It was only when the prodigal son’s money had gone and he was eating the pig’s food that he “came to his senses”, realising what a fool he had been, and took steps to remedy his situation (Lk 15:16-20). The tragedy of Samson’s life could have been avoided if he had not been so stubborn, doing things his own way – it was self-inflicted misfortune (Jdg 14:1-16:30). When tragedy struck Job he verbally blessed God, acknowledging His sovereign authority over everything he possessed (Job 1:20,21). What is my reaction when disaster comes? Let such situations drive you closer to God, the source of all comfort. He knows what you are going through – but also seek and receive support from others who have had similar experiences (2 Cor 1:4).

Being a Christian does not exempt us from problems and devastating events. Jesus said we would face trouble in this world and He has personally experienced similar struggles that we face (Jn 16:33; Heb 2:14-18, 4:15). Life isn’t fair but what oppresses us (if we are yielded to Christ) is the best experience to prepare us for eternity (Rom 8:28). God

Even in this situation God’s love is watching over me

promises to accompany us and support us – “underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut 33:27; Isa 43:2). It is in the fire of calamity that our relationship with Christ is tested to prove it is genuine; if our faith means anything at all, it will be now (Dan 3:13; Lk 8:13; 1 Pet 1:6,7). We can anticipate, without fear, that “When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Prov 23:10).

God has sovereign control over all things, yet He is not the source of tragedy, it is Satan who comes to "steal, kill and destroy" (Jn 10:10). While God is perfectly capable of stopping tragedies before they begin, sometimes He chooses not to. Many of these are caused by sin; people living in rebellion to His laws (Rom 1:18-21). Tragic events remind

The Lord is near the broken hearted – Psalm 34:18

us not only that we live in an imperfect and fallen world, but that there is a God who loves us and wants something better for us than the world has to offer and in our pain desires we reach out to connect with Him in a deeper way.

When tragedy strikes don't crumple into self-pity or inaction. In the midst of the crisis and confusion our hearts should be turned to our loving Heavenly Father, who has our best long-term interest as His priority. He desires our response will result in godly character being formed in us and revealed to those round about. Pause to assess the situation and focus on the next step important step to take, don't try and sort out every detail.

See also: broken hearted, compassion, crisis, disasters, fairness, grief, reaction, self-pity, sovereignty of God, test/testing, why.