The Da Vinci Code

This is the title of a popular but entirely fictional book that has no historical or biblical basis. It is an attempt to discredit Jesus by creating a story that He was married to Mary Magdalene and had children, with these ‘facts’ hidden. This book is in reality another attack on the person of Jesus Christ with speculations and misrepresentations of the core aspects of Christianity. People do not want to believe that Jesus is God or that He is the Saviour, so they make up falsehoods about Him to create a false Jesus they can believe in.

The Bible is the standard by which all spiritual matter is to be compared. The truth is Jesus was never married to anyone and did not have children. To ensure they were not misled it is recorded one NT group of believers “examined the Scriptures every day to see if what was taught them was true” (Act 17:11). Am I motivated to search out and only follow the truth and not be deceive by the convincing yet totally false concepts of man?

See also: Holy Grail, myths, truth.