
<<application of scientific knowledge>>

God made human minds, with the creative ability to dream, experiment and invent. Enormous scientific advances have enriched the lives of those living in the more developed countries. However, technology can also be used in destructive and harmful

Technology is a means to an end

ways with ready access gained to pornography and other unbeneficial material and so must be used with caution, exercising self-imposed boundaries. Despite the advancements in the realm of communication gadgets there is an increase in anti-social behaviour with people finding it difficult to converse face to face. The significant amount of time spent in front of screens and electronic devices contributes to obesity, poor mental wellbeing, poor sleep and mental functioning and lack of physical activity, besides affecting concentration and emotions is a form of addiction. We should monitor the amount of time spent on such devices so they do displace the important things in life, which include time with God and family. We should love people and use things, not love things and use people. We must control our involvement with technology, not allowing it to dictate to and be the master of us (Rom 6:16).

Exploding technological developments have enabled the gospel to reach around virtually the entire globe and change people’s eternal destinies even in those countries whose governments are hostile to the message through U-tube, internet, DVD’s, mobile phones and Bible study apps amongst other mediums. As believers we should be utilzing these new forms of technology to teach and share the ‘good news’ which is the great commission that Jesus requires of us (Mt 28:16-20).

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence using computer systems to mimic human cognitive activity. Industrial robots and computers aren’t smarter than humans; they are just capable of doing certain tasks in less time than people can. Human attributes such as morality, emotion, empathy, humour and relationship can’t be replicated by lifeless task orientated man-made creations. The applications for artificial intelligence are endless, yet this invention will never surpass humanity. While it might emulate the patterns human beings use when we think, it can never replace the prowess, dexterity, and creativity of the human mind.

In spite of all the gadgets and means of communication in the world, they do not connect us with God. This must happen on a spiritual level, as it always has been, through a heart-to-heart, intimate relationship based on the belief He exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him, with a vital salvation experience and ongoing interaction (Heb 11:6;

Regardless of all our advancements we still need a Saviour

Jas 4:8). While technical devices are rapidly improving in their capabilities, humanities morals and Godliness are quickly deteriorating.

See also: addiction, communication, connection, relationships, self-control, self-discipline.