
<<natural ability>>

Throughout the Bible, the only meaning of ‘talent’ was a unit of weight for gold and silver, as in the parable of the unmerciful servant and the parable of the talents, but modern usage has changed its meaning to ability or skill (Mt 18:24, 25:15).

No one is gifted in all facets of life yet we all have various God-given natural abilities or skills to contribute to society and bless others. This should be done with humility and love, knowing there are rewards for their beneficial utilization or consequences for their wrong misuse. We are responsible for what we do have, not what we don’t have. Be mindful that any ability (although developed by us) is a gift from God to be shared as, in turn, we receive from the input and capabilities of others, for what we lack they can supply (Deut 8:18; 1 Chr 29:14; 1 Cor 4:7; Gal 5:13).  Our trust should be in God and not our own ability, otherwise it is misplaced trust. 

Talents will grow and glow with use so it is our responsibility to develop them. If we don’t value or act wisely with what we already have, why should we expect to receive more? (Lk 12:48, 16:10-12). We should ask ourselves, ‘what am I doing with what God has already given me’? Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, humbly develop the area of your

How am I using my talents for God’s Kingdom?

individual gifting, so that, to the best of your ability, you are contributing to the overall benefit of the whole group while appreciating those who complement you and working in harmony with them.

God gives us talents in seed form; it our responsibility by persistent use and development to ensure they grow into recognisable and effective qualities. We can learn and receive training from those more experienced people in those fields.

While both Christians and non-Christians have natural talents which can be used for non-spiritual activities, only Christians are also given spiritual gifts for which they are also accountable.

See also: ability, accountability, capability, giftings, mentor, pride, response, skill, spiritual gifts, task.