
<<of higher rank or quality>>

The potter is superior to the clay, just as God is infinitely superior to humanity for “None can compare with you” (Ps 40:5; Isa 45:9, 64:8). He is the King of kings, and Lord of lords, the ruler of the kings of the earth which He is able to turn

Christ’s credentials as “King of kings and Lord of lords” set Him above all others – Revelation 17:14

whatever way He will (Prov 21:1; 1 Tim 6:15; Rev 1:5). God can do all things within the bounds of His justice and will (Job 42:2). As He has made everything there is, so He is the only one who can claim superiority (Jn 1:3; Heb 1:3,4). He has declared, “I am the Lord and besides me there is no other” (Deut 4:35; Isa 45:21). He is perfect in all His ways, which are so much higher than ours (Deut 32:4; Isa 55:8,9; Mt 5:48). His love and purposes are far superior to anything we can envisage and the sacrifice of Jesus for our sin was much more superior to the OT sacrificial system (Heb 7:24,25, 8:6, 9:28, 10:4; 1 Jn 1:7).

We humans are not to compare ourselves with others because we will either consider ourselves superior, resulting in arrogance and pride, or inferior, resulting in shame (Lk 18:9-14; 2 Cor 10:12; 1 Tim 4:12). Acting in a superior way isolates, separating oneself from those who are considered of lesser standing or importance and fails to acknowledge our own shortfalls – “What have we got that we did not receive?” (1 Cor 4:7).

There is no place for superior attitudes (by either the husband or wife) in a marriage. Both have different functions or roles and there is to be love and submission to each other. God has designated the man to be the head over the wife and family – not to dominate but lead in sacrificial love (1 Cor 11:3,4,9-11; Eph 5:22-33).

In every facet of human society, there is an authority structure and leadership accountability. We are to honour and respect those above us and the position they hold, while also valuing, and treating with the same respect, those lower down in social standing who are also made in the image of God and in whose eyes we are all equal. Indeed, we are to esteem others better than ourselves, outworking the servant-heart nature of Christ, with Christian leaders specifically told to “not lord it over those entrusted to you” (Mk 10:44; Phil 2:3; 1 Pet 5:2,3). Although He was the Lord of glory, Jesus humbly washed the feet of His disciples, and said “Do as I have done to you” (Jn 13:3-17).

Just as in our bodies no part can say, ‘I don’t need you, I can get along fine without you’ so it should be in the church body (1 Cor 12:21). We are interconnected and dependent on the contribution of others as they are of us to be faithful to our calling. Although there are differences in individual callings and abilities, these should not result in us considering some people superior to others. It is each one’s responsibility to be obedient to their divine assignment, humbled that God wants to use them in His service while having the attitude of Christ who came to minister (Phil 2:5-7). All Christians are ‘one in Christ’, with no distinctions regarding our salvation which as a gift, is not the result of any works on our behalf so no one can boast (Gal 3:28; Eph 2:8,9).

Christianity is far superior to all other religions because Christ is superior. No other religion has a leader who has conquered death, having been raised back to life, and validated with numerous miracles, and witnessed by thousands. No evidence has been found to discredit the NT account of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus nor the transformation that occurs in many people when

Have you made Him your commanding officer?

they encounter Christ. What transformation has occurred in my life since coming into relationship with Jesus?

This is not an opportunity for arrogance on the part of believers. Rather they should display humility to people misled by other beliefs, offering to share with them the real answer. Don’t discredit what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and trying to impress how right you are, instead show them a lifestyle that is so desirable that they want to know the source of it (Mt 5:14-16). Paul considered himself the ‘least of all saints’ yet was used mightily by God (Eph 3:8).

See also: attitude, compare/comparison, ego, humility, inferior/inferiority, judging, pride, sovereignty of God, submission, supremacy of Christ.