Evil Spirits
<<forces opposed to God>>
The evil, or unclean spirits (also called demons) are Satan’s agents who contaminate, influence and oppress or possess people, and among other problems cause sickness. These unseen, non-physical beings, also promote wickedness in humans yet are, like Satan ultimately under God’s authority (1 Kgs 22:21; Mk 5:1-5; Lk 9:42; Heb 2:8). They are part of Satan's dark forces that are opposed and opposite to God's holiness, goodness, righteousness and love as reflected in His character, nature and will. They are most likely fallen angels who, like Satan, rebelled and were expelled from heaven (Isa 14:12-15; Ezek 28:11-17; Rev 12:7-9).
The Bible records, “Many who were demon-possessed were brought to Jesus, and He drove out the spirits with a word…” (Mt 8:16; Mk 1:26,27; Lk 4:36, 6:18, 7:21). With an illness attributed to demon possession, the demon was commanded to depart and the person was delivered from the condition (Mt 17:14-18). In one account the demons entered into a herd of pigs and they also acted irrationally but the man who was ‘delivered’ from them was transformed from a naked, wild lunatic to a subdued, self-controlled person, dressed and in his right mind – a normal person (Lk 8:26-36). What a demonstration of the power of God! These evil spirits recognized Jesus as the Son of God, the far more powerful authority, and so He could cast these evil entities out of people whose lives were dramatically different as a result.
The Bible states that believers also have the ability to deliver, setting people free of these evil powers through the authority in Jesus’ name, besides giving instruction on spiritual warfare to resist the devil and how to live godly lives, taking authority over what is not of God (Mt 10:1; Mk 16:16-18; Act 5:16, 8:7, 16:16-18; 2 Cor 10:4,5; Eph 6:10-18; Tit 2:12; Jas 4:7).
As believers we are to be under the control of the Holy Spirit, not evil spirits
rule their heart provides an invitation to an evil spirit. Immorality, alcohol or drug abuse that alters a person’s consciousness, transcendental meditation, possession of occult materials and the worship of heathen idols besides bitterness, and rebellion all provide opportunity for such an invasion, affording them little power to resist (Lev 17:7; Deut 32:17; Ps 106:37; 1 Cor 10:20; Gal 5:19-21; Eph 2:2). ‘The devil made me do it’ is a person’s excuse or admission that their resistance was relentlessly attacked and they gave in to the pressure, resulting in evil actions. The truth is we are the only person who can force us to do anything, it is because of a lack of resistance and self-discipline we give in to the devils temptations. Therefore we must be disciplined in our thoughts, avoid all occult and New Age involvement, drugs and ungodly activities so they don’t become a vulnerable point that Satan can exploit (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:4,5; Eph 4:22-24; 1 Pet 5:8,9).
When King Saul was not walking uprightly God allowed an evil spirit to buffet him and when we sin Satan has a legal right to our lives whereby, if we continue to reject God’s way, Satan’s control over us will increase further (1 Sam 16:14-23; Rom 1:18-31).
Seek God’s protection from all evil entities – He is the Almighty One
this needs to be outworked in our experience, using the resources available in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). Do not be preoccupied with Satan’s realm but rather submit to God, focusing on His liberating Kingdom and the victory that Jesus gained over all the powers of evil. Have a vibrant, obedient relationship with Christ so its too uncomfortable for the enemy forces!
Ensure you are protected by the blood of Jesus
for us to walk in holiness of thought, speech and actions, being fully surrendered to Christ’s lordship for then the devil’s accusations against us are groundless. Quickly repent after sinning and so restore a spiritually healthy state, not giving the devil any foothold in our lives, because “Greater is the (Holy Spirit) that is in us than the evil spirits in the world” (Eph 4:27; 1 Jn 1:9, 4:4).
One of the spiritual gifts of God is the ability to discern or distinguish spirits because it is necessary to differentiate between true and false influences by gauging if they conform to the character and Word of God – be it speaker, message or activity (1 Cor 12:10; 1Jn 4:1). False teaching misleads and Satan himself tries to deceive by masquerading as an angel of light to turn people away from Jesus the truth (Jn 14:6; 2 Cor 11:3,4,13,14).
Scripture says, “In the latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” with these evil spirits also performing miraculous signs (1 Tim 4:1; Rev 16:14). “Even demons believe in God – but shudder in terror” (Jas 2:19). This is not a belief resulting in salvation, so they live in torment of what is awaiting them and all who are opposed to Christ (Mt 25:41).
See also: armour/spiritual, authority, binding and loosing, covering, deliverance, discernment, Jesus/name of, Kingdom of Satan, occult, protection, self-discipline, spirit oppression/possession, spirit/guides, spirit realm, spiritual warfare, thinking/thoughts.