Spirit Oppression, Possession

This is a controversial subject and the viewpoint of Christians can vary greatly. Some consider an evil spirit is the reason for their every misfortune and sinful action while others dismiss blatant demonic activity as a quirk of a person’s nature. Yet evil spirits (also called demons) do produce major character and personality defects causing people to do what is utterly out of character, such as giving ability to do what is beyond normal human capability, besides causing physical ailments or those under their control to do horrendous evil (Mt 9:32,33; Mk 5:1-4; Lk 22:3,4; Act 16:16-18). Satan aims to cause havoc and render our lives ineffective for God so we must be aware of his strategies (2 Cor 2:11).

Evil spiritual beings are part of the devil’s arsenal to “steal, kill and destroy” yet much of our struggle against sin is due to our own lack of self-discipline and un-crucified fleshly desires, not a direct attack of Satan (Jn 10:10; Jas 1:13-15). These activities are reinforced through repeatedly giving in to

How free am I in Jesus?

out-of-control emotions, immoral acts, illicit drugs or occult practices creating strongholds from which Satan can act and opening a person up to more and more domination. The prolonged entertaining of unwholesome, negative attitudes such as rejection, fear and un-forgiveness or repeatedly yielding to any fleshly lust has the same effect, making people feel seemingly powerless to resist. However, the comment, ‘Satan made me do it’ is not a valid excuse. Cain was angry and God warned him that sin was ready to gain the advantage and stated it was Cain’s responsibility to master it (Gen 4:7). The choice rested with Cain, as it does in our lives – we choose whether we surrender ourselves to God or evil (Rom 6:12,13). There is a constant struggle taking place (within) between our old, ingrained sinful life and the new life of Christ. The Bible’s advice in this struggle is to “live by the Spirit so you will not satisfy the desires of the old nature” and through self-discipline put off the old self and put on the new godly nature (Gal 5:16-18; Eph 4:22,24; 1 Jn 2:16). By avoiding sinful practices the devil’s control will reduce as you overcome the wicked one through the enabling of God (1 Jn 2:14, 5:18).

Evil spirits can take up residence (possession) in a person who is not a believer as many examples in the NT indicate (Mt 8:28; Mk 1:26; Act 8:7). Even Peter was oppressed (hassled or influenced) by them (Mt 16:23). Throughout Jesus’ ministry and the days of the early church there are numerous accounts of people being set free of demonic powers. Jesus Himself stated that some conditions caused by demonic influence required the exorcism of the spirit for deliverance, whereas conditions resulting from the Fall of humanity could be addressed by miracles of healing. The disciples were given authority to bring release to those held in Satan’s grasp and this is given to believers today (Mk 3:14,15, 16:17; Act 19:11,12).

Some people believe that when a person receives Christ at salvation all the evil forces leave them as they become “a new creation”, – their body is now a temple of the Holy Spirit, with His power within being greater than “the devil that is in the world” (1 Cor 3:16, 6:19; 2Cor 1:22, 5:17; 1 Jn 4:4). Another viewpoint is that following salvation any resident

 What has Jesus freed you from?  Can you be specific?

evil forces require specific attention along with the wrong attitudes and desires that have to be confronted and worked through to increasingly come into a place of cleansing and sanctification as the old nature is replaced. However, regardless of our understanding on this topic realise the devil will attack. We are not to give him a foothold, especially in our thoughts, but actively and consistently stand against his schemes for he seeks to destroy believers. We must “stand firm in the faith” by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to successfully combat the demonic influence (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:4,5; Eph 4:27, 6:11; 1 Pet 5:8,9).

Satan even attempted to cause Jesus to sin, yet He resisted Satan’s schemes by quoting the Word of God (Lk 4:4,8,12). Whatever is of Satan must be actively resisted with unrelenting determination besides endeavouring to protect the vulnerable areas of our sin affected lives (Jas 4:7,8). We must not give him undue attention, instead our focus should be on the glory of God and His righteousness with our “eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” and His Kingdom commanding our time and energy (Mt 6:33; Heb 12:2).

See also: armour (spiritual), controversial issues, deliverance, evil spirits, Jesus/name of, put off/put on, resist, responsible/responsibility, self-discipline, spirit realm, spiritual warfare, strongholds, thinking/thoughts, vulnerable.