

Our tongue has immense capability to enhance life by speaking truthfully and positively to influence others to live better, or to cause damage or death by any rash, uncaring and irresponsible words we utter. Although only small, our tongue exerts great power to bring healing or hurt, bless God or curse others with no one being able to fully master it (Lk 6:45; Jas 3:2-12). Reckless words pierce like a sword, stir up anger or calm a situation and bring blessing for “Life and death are in the power of the tongue” as we speak into the powerful unseen spirit realm (Ps 57:4; Prov 12:18, 15:1,28, 18:21; Lk 1:41-44, 20:26). We will eventually give account to Christ of all we say so “Do not be quick with your mouth…let your words be few” (Prov 18:21; Eccl 5:2; Mt 12:36,37).

Like Isaiah, we have impure lips and continually need to experience the divine refining fire on this ungodly member (Isa 6:5-7). As we will be held accountable for what we say it is wise to refrain from corrupt talk, which includes criticising, telling lies, filthy jokes and swearing (Deut 23:21-23;

“The lips of the wise spread knowledge” not gossip – Proverbs 15:7

Ps 34:12,13; Prov 4:24; Eph 4:29; Col 3:9). In fact the Bible’s advice is to offer our tongue to God’s control, keeping a tight restriction on what we say to protect our soul, for speaking rashly brings ruin, corrupting the whole body and diminishing the value of the faith we profess (Prov 13:3, 16:23, 17:28, 21:23; Eccl 5:2; Rom 6:13, 12:1; Jas 1:19,26; 1 Pet 3:10).

Our verbal expressions are a self-revelation of what we think about ourselves and are reflected in our character and personality (Prov 23:7; Mt 12:34,35). Through our words, we give expression to the feelings within. These have a habit of gushing forth spontaneously, uncensored, and often in a thoughtless manner. Derogatory or insulting comments made about other people or churches infers we consider we are superior, as the Pharisee did with his arrogant and self-righteous attitude when he said, “I thank you I am not like this man” (Prov 11:12; Lk 18:9-14). We need to believe and declare the truth about ourselves, not a sanitised version.

Probably the greatest means to communicate with others is through the words we speak, especially on a one-to-one basis.  Do not continually speak about yourself and your ideas, rather share what Christ has been doing in your life together with other aspects of your faith, Biblical principles and wisdom. Be a catalyst by boldly speaking up for the truth and

Be ready to speak God’s message to others – 1 Peter 3:15

what you believe as this may inspire others to remain faithful to God, for those who confess (publically acknowledge) Jesus, He will acknowledge before God (Mt 10:32,33).

The Bible records God speaking and the physical world being created as a consequence (Gen 1:3-27). In a similar but very limited way, what we say can also materialize when we express ourselves in the spirit realm. Because what we focus on has a habit of becoming the controlling factor in our lives, our speech should glorify God, testifying about the good things He has done for us, not giving credit to Satan for any problems we are experiencing or by complaining (Phil 4:8; Col 3:17, 4:6). Instead, like David, aspire to “tell of [His] righteousness all day long…” (Ps 71:24).

Jesus spoke to the sick and they were healed, raised to life those that were dead, pronounced forgiveness, delivered people from evil spirits and calmed the storm with His command, besides sharing the good news vocally (Lk 4:35, 5:24, 6:10, 7:14,22,48, 8:24,54). He said, we can say to a mountain ‘depart’ and it will (Mt 17:20). This is not so much a literal earth-moving ability but rather seeing what appears to be insurmountable or unchangeable, crumble and be overcome as we faithfully speak in Christ’s name for His glory. Am I addressing in faith great difficulties or seemingly impossible situations that must be subject to the authority of Jesus? He said, “The works that I do you shall do also…In my name...” He gives us the authority to use His name to do what is His will (Mk 16:17,18; Lk 10:17; Jn 14:12-14). Faith, right relationships and correct motives are key factors.

Before the judgment throne of God, “Every [person] will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord”, however this acknowledgement will not result in their salvation rather it is an acceptance of His authority and right to rule (Rom 14:11; Phil 2:11).

While we are to speak the truth in love we are not guaranteed freedom from any consequences (Eph 4:15).

See also: communication, declare, hate speech, Jesus/name of, language, self-control, self-fulfilling prophecy, spirit realm, thinking/thoughts, tongue, verbal abuse, words.