

Speculation is forming an opinion from little or no evidence and so has no factual basis. (This is contrasted with predicting an outcome or event after analysing factually verified data, often based on patterns, evidence, or previous knowledge).

Many people have strong views and are keen to spread their ideas and theories, yet we need to ascertain what is truth and what is a fabrication or merely a projection of their thoughts. Although conspiracy theories often have a measure of truth, they can be fuelled

Views and opinion are not fact

by gossip to spread sensational rumours. Yet as believers we should be known as speakers of truth, not the spreaders of lies otherwise, when the real facts emerge when we speak the truth our narrative may be discredited as just more fabrication. Regarding spiritual matters, and in fact issues of morality and common sense the Bible is our source of wisdom and accuracy.

The Bible counsels us to “take captive every thought to make it obedient [conform] to Christ” (2 Cor 10:5). Otherwise we can get into unhealthy and useless thought patterns, discussions and controversies which are a waste of time and divert our attention away from our responsibility of living for Christ (1 Tim 1:4; 2 Tim 2:23). We are to guard our hearts and minds, thinking about what is true, pure and praiseworthy (Prov 4:23; Phil 4:8).

While the rapture (when believers will be taken to heaven) is a fact, the actual timing is known only to God, although there have been various ideas presented as to when this will take place (Mt 25:13, 24:36; Act 1:7). God has everything worked out as He is all-knowing (omniscient) and as He is also all-powerful (omnipotent) will bring it about in His timing. He also knows who will be in heaven and those who will not.

See also: conspiracy, evidence, facts, omnipotent, omniscient, predict, rapture, thinking/thoughts, truth.