

We don't need to speak and give our opinion in all situations but instead listen and learn from the experiences of others.  There are appropriate times to be silent and times to speak with the Bible stating, “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues” while those who stay silent in the face of ridicule

Lord help me to only open my mouth at the right times

exhibit self-control (1 Sam 10:27; Ps 39:1; Prov 10:19, 11:12, 17:28, 18:6,7). Jesus said we will be answerable for every idle word we speak with James advising we should learn to control our tongue with the Bible counselling, “Let your words be few” for they often condemn and get people into trouble (Eccl 5:2; Mt 12:36,37; Jas 3:2-10). How many unnecessary arguments, disagreements and conflicts could be avoided if people exercised more love and self-control. It is impossible to argue with a person who remains in control of themselves and doesn’t verbally react, however, especially in a marriage, when various ‘situations’ arise there should be open yet calm discussion so harmony can be restored, rather than sullen, tension-filled silence.

It is vital to have periods away from the distractions and pressures of life to hear the Lord so “Be silent in the Lord’s presence and wait patiently for Him…For my hope is from Him” (Ps 37:7, 62:5). He won’t shout above the noise or compete for our attention. Hearing from God is determined by our seeking Him (Jer 29:12-14). Don’t be afraid of silence, allow Him to minister peace and confidence into your heart through quiet meditation (Ps 4:4). God is not so often found in activity and noise as in stillness and silence so when communing with Him, don’t do all the talking – allow Him time and space to speak, and you to hear (1 Kgs 19:11,12)! Hence the expression ‘waiting on God’, inferring the unhurried ‘being in His presence’.

 Hannah's silent prayer directed to the throne of God mirrors those of our personal mental devotions (1 Sam 1:10,13). Afterall God can read our thoughts just as easily as He can hear our spoken words, with even our wrong thoughts considered sinful (Ps 139:23; Mt 5:27,28, 15:19). Silent prayer is fitting if a matter needs to stay between you and God only.

As believers, we must proclaim the truth, exposing lies and heresies, speaking out against evil and especially if the welfare of others is at stake such as against injustice (Isa 1:17, 10:1-3). Likewise, we are not to keep silent about our faith in Jesus Christ, for how can people come to believe in Jesus if they are not told about Him (Act 4:17-20; Rom 10:14;

 How will people hear about Jesus if we keep silent?

2 Cor 5:18-20; 1 Pet 3:15). Satan tempts us to not speak up for Christ, however, our lifestyle and words should match each other, and together form a powerful witness. The Bible says our verbal praise to God and good works silences the ignorant talk of foolish men and those opposed to us (Ps 8:2; 1 Pet 2:15). Jesus said, if we deny knowing Him, He will not acknowledge us before the Father (Mt 10:32,33; 2 Tim 2:12). When we know people are going to a Christ-less eternity unless they repent, it is our responsibility to warn them – “I cannot keep silent” (Lev 5:1; Prov 31:8,9; Isa 62:1; Jer 4:19; Ezek 3:18,19, 33:7-9; Eph 5:11). “This is the day of good news, and we are keeping it to ourselves – this is not right” (2 Kgs 7:9). We may not know all the answers but like the blind man to whom Jesus restored his sight we can testify, “I was blind but now I see” (Jn 9:25).

 When the Jewish people faced the threat of national annihilation, Queen Esther was wisely advised to conceal her nationality until the opportune moment. She was then urged with the words: "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Est 2:5-7,10,20, 4:12-14). This reflects the sentiment expressed by Solomon: "There is a time to be silent and a time to speak" (Eccl 3:7).

 Jesus boldly proclaimed the Word of God, challenging the religious beliefs of the day but when the attack was personally directed at Him by those who were intent on bringing about His death, He did not attempt to defend Himself against their accusations, but remained silent or just declared the truth of His mission (Isa 53:7; Mt 26:62-64).

 While God says He will always be with us and guide us, He does not micromanage our every detail, but coupled with His providence gives us wisdom to make many decisions without us specifically asking Him to show us the finer points (Jn 14:16,17, 16:13; Heb 13:5). It is important to read and study the Bible as this is the manual for life and many times the Holy Spirit will bring a Scripture verse or principle to mind if we need turning in a particular direction (Ps 119:11; Jn 14:26; 2 Tim 3:15-17). Sometimes it may seem that God is silent and doesn’t respond to our request for help or guidance. God is not obligated to answer our questions, even when we ask earnestly like Job did (Job 30:20). He tests our hearts to see if we truly trust Him. Possible reasons for His silence include not listening to our conscience or spirit, testing our faith, ignoring previous guidance, rejecting His response, or having sin in our lives that hinders His involvement (Ps 66:18; Jn 9:31).

The instruction given to the women to be silent in the church was because as new converts they didn’t have the knowledge in the OT Scriptures, like the Jewish men traditionally had, and by abusing their new Christian freedom they were bringing chaos into the early church (1 Cor 14:34; 1 Tim 2:12). 

See also: accountability, guidance (divine), hearing God’s voice, meditation, providence, quiet, self-control, silent years, solitude, waiting on God, words.