Do I submit my plans to the Lord? – Proverbs 3:6
(Isa 14:12,13). This insidious trait permeated the Garden of Eden for “By one man’s disobedience [all humanity] were made sinners, yet by the obedience of [Jesus] many will be made righteous” (Rom 5:19).
King Saul was one who regularly did things his way, in spite of direct instruction to the contrary – this was his downfall (1 Sam 10:8, 13:8-14, 15:3-24). Determination is a desirable quality, provided we are operating according to the principles and commands of Scripture, with our stubborn self-will broken by the loving, redeeming act of God. Then we will say “Not my will, but yours [God] be done”, being in willing submission to our Saviour (Lk 22:42; Jn 6:38). The Lord taught His followers to pray, “Our Father…Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” yet rebellious, self-willed man in contrast demands, ‘my will, not yours be done’ (Mt 6:9,10).
Does 'my will' or God's direct my life?
need to learn the hard way through a loss of blessing, wasted years and lingering consequences of yielding to selfish desires (Rom 6:13). God’s way of wisdom is always superior to the short-sighted, carnal way. “May the God of peace…equip you with everything good for doing His will” (Heb 13:20,21).
See also: broken/brokenness, rebellion, self, stubborn, submission, will.