Second Coming
<<Christ’s return>>
Normal isn't returning but Jesus is
indicators preceding the event (Mt 24:3ff; Jn 14:1-3). There are a variety of opinions as to when this event will occur, as the rapture and the second coming of Christ are often confused, and sometimes it is difficult to determine to which event a particular verse refers. The actual timing is known only to God the Father (Mt 24:36; Act 1:7). The rapture and second coming are similar but separate end-times events and involve Jesus returning either into the sky or onto the earth.
After the rapture the tribulation and battle of Armageddon brings to an end the ‘day of grace’ and Jesus will return to the earth along with believers. This powerful and glorious event will catch many people unprepared, like a thief coming in the night (Mt 24:42-44; Act 1:9-11; 1 Thes 4:13-5:3). It is also called the Day of the Lord among other terms because He will defeat the Antichrist, destroy evil and establish His millennial Kingdom (Mt 24:15-30; 2 Thes 2:1-8; 2 Pet 3:10; Rev 1:7, 6:1-19:21).
Live holy lives till it happens – 2 Peter 3:10-14
Jesus rather than a possible timetable. Instead of spending valuable time speculating when this will occur, use that effort to win more lost souls into the Kingdom. There are many who don’t even know He came the first time, or if they do, have not had a clear presentation of why He did and the vital necessity of knowing Him as Saviour. Let God attend to the ‘how and when’, while we concentrate on living for Him and bringing people to know Him as Saviour, not as judge. The challenge for us is ‘what am I doing to make Him known throughout the world’? We have the good news and if we are not sharing it we will be held accountable (2 Kgs 7:9; Ezek 3:18,20).
The responsibility of prophetic Bible teachers is not to predict when these end-time events will take place but rather to ensure their listeners are ready for whenever they occur. They also need to help people to discern the difference between sound Bible teaching and false teaching or speculation. Date setting is not only unbiblical, wrong and misleading, it also invites ridicule, scorn and discredit upon followers of Jesus Christ when predicted dates come and pass without incident.
Let us ask the Lord to help us to serve Him wisely, obediently and humbly so we are ready and prepared to meet Him at any time, yet also plan and work for Kingdom goals that may only take place after we have died.
See also: controversial issues, day of the Lord, end times, rapture, tribulation.