

This is a list or plan of intended events and times.

God has a schedule of events that has been unfolding throughout history and although only He knows precisely when the end of the world will occur,
we can understand from the signs that the end is close.

Paul noted that just at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly (Rom 5:6). 

High on the ‘to do’ lists of all Christians should be time to spend in prayer daily committing your life to God for His guidance, along with feeding your spirit in the Scriptures.  If this is not done on a regular basis you are too busy, undisciplined or don’t understand the true source of your new life – as Christians we can’t live effectively without Christ’s help. It is best to aim for a particular period of the

God should be at the top of our schedule

day to establish the routine of ‘sitting at His feet’ and communing with Him (Lk 10:39). Unless we make a consistent, concerted effort to give time to these spiritual disciplines, the enemy will make sure we skip these regular times with God. Sometimes our daily plans and schedules will be interrupted, so although we should be disciplined being flexible also allows for their accomplishment at some later stage.

See also: doing and being, devotions, end times, future, plans and purposes, spiritual disciplines, strategy, time/timing.