Without the root, there can be no lasting life or fruit
system spells the end as will the inability to find water (Mt 3:10, 13:6,21). Are we truly rooted in Christ, receiving "the water of life" and being nourished by "word of life" (Jn 4:14; Phil 2:16; 1 Jn 1:1; Rev 22:17)? The results of us receiving (or not receiving) from Christ will soon be evident – a withered up spirit that has little life. A person who trusts in the Lord is likened to a productive tree planted by the stream because it draws all the water it needs so is not threatened by heat or drought (Ps 1:3). We are encouraged to “Continue to live in Christ, rooted and built up in Him” (Col 2:7).
"The love of money is a root for all kinds of evil" (1 Tim 6:10). While there is nothing wrong with money, the problem is when money begins to control and the intense desire for more motivates people to lie, steal, cheat, gamble, embezzle, and even murder. People who have a love for money lack the godliness and contentment that is true gain in God’s eyes (1 Tim 6:6).