
<<tasks, position>>

Both men and women have exclusive privileges or tasks in procreation, however they should both be actively involved in the care and upbringing of the resulting children. While both male and female are equal in God’s sight,

It is my primary responsibility to fulfill my role

Scripture holds the husband ultimately responsible for the family unit and instructs the wife to submit to his leadership (Gal 3:28; Eph 5:22-33). Accept the role God has given you, functioning in it to the best of your ability and don’t try and go beyond that by doing something He has not called you to (1 Cor 7:20, 12:12-27).

Throughout society and in the church there are various positions and functions, or levels of authority and responsibility which demand greater [or lesser] accountability. It is our task to ensure we do our job rather than criticise someone else, although we can provide advice and suggestions how they can improve especially if they request feedback (Rom 14:4). Am I endeavouring to fulfill my role in my family (and church) to the best of my ability?

See also: accountability, husband, position, responsible/responsibility, submission, wife.