
<<relax, reduce activity>>

God set a pattern, resting on the seventh day of creation (Gen 2:2,3). This principle was introduced to the Israelites in the wilderness by providing manna for only six days of each week, with the instruction the seventh day was to be a day of rest and worship (Ex 16:22,23). Later the command was given – one day a week was to be free of work, a holy day devoted to God (Ex 20:8-11).  Generally, the Christian faith has considered Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the grave, as this specific time for spiritual refreshment and collective connecting with God besides physical restoration. Periods of rest or inactivity refresh us physically, emotionally and spiritually, restoring balance and perspective for the times of intense, productive service (Ex 23:12). 

Burnout and a loss of overall perspective results if we are constantly too focused and exhausted by busyness without time out to care for our own bodies.  We should be active for the Kingdom of God, “making the most of

every opportunity” yet also being good stewards of our bodies which are a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, understanding there is time for everything that is necessary (Eccl 3:1-8; 1 Cor 6:19,20; Eph 5:16).

The Bible advises not to go to bed angry, as the chances are you will not get much beneficial rest (Eph 4:26).  Problems grow out of proportion at night so try to resolve them during the day, because any negative emotion is harmful as it is contrary to the nature of Christ within.  Insomnia (not being able to sleep at night) can be attributed to an overactive mind that is not fully committed to or trusting in God. The peace of God will counteract any anxiety and restlessness within as we actively co-operate by allowing our minds to come under His control (Phil 4:6,7; 1 Pet 5:7).

When Jesus said, “Come unto me and I will give you rest for your soul”, He meant peace with God rather than inactivity (Lk 11:28-30). Through faith in Christ, Christians have entered into spiritual rest; we don’t need to ‘work’ at earning salvation, rather just embrace it and live it out (Heb 4:10,11, 12:22-24). Those that reject salvation will not experience any relief or rest in the eternal lake of fire (Rev 14:11).

There is a distinction between rest and leisure. Rest is recovering one’s equilibrium while leisure has as its goal personal enjoyment, and may be anything but restful. Rest is not wasted time; rather it is an investment in our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. An exhausted person is not very effective, being prone to stress, negativity,

Build genuine rest periods into your lifestyle on a regular basis

mistakes, sickness and accidents. While not physically working, time can be spent in planning so when activity is resumed it is more productive and efficient.

See also: actions/activity, burnout, busy, effective/efficient, leisure, peace, produce/productivity, recreation, refresh, relaxation, renewal, Sunday, weary.