
1/. <<determination>>

Jesus was fully committed to the divine mission of dying for sinful humanity, and would not be side tracked (Lk 9:51). Do I have the same fortitude to see through to completion the tasks that Christ has called me to (Act 9:15, 26:19; Phil 3:12).

2/. <<solution>>

This is finding an answer to a problem or contentious issue for when conflicts are addressed and resolved unity is restored. Division within the body of Christ often involves anger,

Don't compromise Biblical principles and values in the quest to resolve any issues and bring peace

unforgiveness, bitterness and self-pity. Such manifestations of the carnal nature are the exact opposite of Christian behavior as outlined in Scripture. The Bible instructs us to love one another, extend forgiveness, live in peace and harmony besides settling our differences among ourselves (Mk 11:25; Jn 13:34; Rom 12:10, 15:5; 2 Cor 13:11; Heb 12:14).

If it is a minor matter, a godly response is to overlook the offense (Prov 19:11). However, there must be active measures taken to address issues that cause separation between believers. When there are style preferences or personality clashes we must check our motives and attitudes then humbly discuss the issue and come to a mutual agreement for an amicable way forward (Rom 12:16,18; Phil 2:3,4, 4:2,3; Jas 1:5). If sin is the cause for the falling-out, when the matter is prayerfully approached fellowship can be regained once more through repentance with forgiveness given in exchange (Mt 18:15-17; Lk 17:3,4). The ultimate goal is always to restore connection with God and others with nothing between us to block the flow of divine life into our lives and then out to bless others (Mt 5:23,24; Jn 7:38). Does active peace-making characterise your life? (Mt 5:9).

Sometimes it may be best to part ways in recognition that God has different calls on or lives, yet this division must not be in anger.

See also: agreement, compromise, conflict, forgive/forgiveness, unity.