

This is results from the humiliation of being caught out, that disobedient actions have been uncovered. It is wishing one had done better, feeling sorry for oneself. It is only an emotional reaction with the focus on self, with no thought of the hurt or wrong done against another. Saul, Judas and Esau showed this emotional response, yet even tears of self-pity were ineffective (1 Sam 15:24,25; Mt 27:3;

Don’t confuse remorse and repentance

Heb 12:16,17). Remorse is not repentance, which is a deeper response. Repentance may begin with remorse but moves on to focus on the other party resulting in a genuine change of heart as in the case of Peter (Mt 26:75).

See also: anguish, regret, repentance, self-pity, sorrow.