This takes place when something that has been restricted or held in bondage is no longer detained; it is now free, emancipated from the prison that held it.
Jesus came to ‘set at liberty the captives’ – be it the woman bound in sickness by Satan for 18 years, the many others released during His earthly ministry, or countless others since as they have cried out in faith and desperation for the power of Jesus to intervene in their situation (Lk 4:18, 13:11,16; Act 10:38; 1 Jn 3:8). Am I prepared to put in the effort and be truly loosed from the stranglehold of what is keeping me captive and binding me or do or I just want to complain and receive sympathy from others? We must co-operate with God and do our part too. It is a case of praying to God but also of rowing away from the rocks! Do we want freedom from the hassles in life because they bother us, from a physical condition, a financial restraint, a mental or emotional handicap? He will release from sin’s penalty (but not it’s earthly consequences) and all demonic powers, besides many physicalailments and situations, in response to our prayers and appropriating what Christ provided (by the cross) for our salvation, healing, health and victory.
However, God also wants to develop our character and often He uses those very things that we want to be free of, to bring about His purposes in us. Even Jesus prayed fervently that He might be spared or released from going to the cross but His request was not answered (Mt 26:39). The things that cause us the greatest anguish, if handled rightly, are the best things to shape us for eternity. Paul pleaded with the Lord three times that he might have freedom from a particular “thorn in the flesh”, his request was denied, and he was told “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor 12:7-9). When we don’t receive our desired answer to prayer do we get discouraged, upset with God and question ‘why?’ or do we faithfully follow and trust Him, accepting this answer from His loving hand, even if He doesn’t bring relief or release (Dan 3:17,18).
Yes it is painful, the flesh rebels and doesn’t want to submit but at the appropriate time (which may not be till heaven) He will turn our captivity into release (Ex 3:7,8). The Bible declares as we increasingly know the truth and diligently apply it we will be set free (Jn 8:32). What measure of divine release am I experiencing in my life?
Am I experiencing increasing release through Christ?
victory, the greatness of His purposes, and service in His Kingdom. David cried out, “Set me free so that I can praise you” (Ps 142:7).
Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, but He instructed those nearby to “take off the grave clothes and let him go” (Jn 11:44). In a similar way, Jesus gives new life to people but we are to help those held captive by the entanglements of the past to be free. This will involve wise counsel, besides practical ongoing assistance until they are able to stand. Above all, pray, ‘Lord release your power into this situation’.
See also: binding and loosing, bondage, cross, deliverance, freedom, healing, liberty, strongholds, why.