
<<compensation, payment>>

Being blessed by God is the reward for obeying Him (Deut 28:1-14; Mt 7:24-27). While not expecting a reward for doing good, it is the principle of sowing and reaping that there will come a harvest – for everyone will receive the consequences of their earthly actions, so

Following Jesus has its rewards

rather than looking for reimbursement in this life, instead store up treasures in the next life where they will last forever (Mt 6:19,20; Lk 6:35, 14:13,14; 2 Cor 5:10; Gal 6:7-10). Jesus said those who give up what is precious to them in response to obedience to His call will not ultimately be disappointed or disadvantaged (Mk 10:28-30). As God sees and will reward our honourable labours of love and the sacrifices made for His Kingdom, ensure your efforts have the right motivation (1 Sam 2:30; Lk 10:7; 1 Cor 3:8,12-15; 1 Thes 1:3; 1 Tim 5:18; Heb 6:10).

Christ will acknowledge before God those that willingly confess they are His followers (Mt 10:32). This is blessing indeed! There are promised ‘crowns of righteousness’ in store for all who love and serve Jesus (2 Tim 4:8).

See also: crowns, motive/motivation, reward, sacrifice and offering, service, sow and reap, wages.