
<<recognizing reality, accepting the facts>>

Sin is always sin regardless if man tries to ignore, disguise or excuse it, and we are answerable to God for it (Rom 14:12; 2 Cor 5:10).

We can’t run away from problems, so face up to the issues of life. Many situations in our lives need to be challenged by the truth of God’s Word. As there will be battles to be fought and obstacles to overcome in gaining possession of our ‘promised land’, acknowledge ‘with the Lord’s help’ we are able (Num 13:30; Phil 4:13). Do not be consumed with your own ability or lack of it, instead rely on His power (1 Sam 17:36,37,45-47; Zech 4:6; Rom 12:3). Obeying His commands is not something beyond our capability provided we choose His ways (Deut 30:11,19,20).

God can and does heal, besides delivering from problems, yet we must also recognise that suffering and pain are part of the fallen world and not all are released from these burdens or experience relief from their affliction this side of heaven (2 Cor 12:7-10; Heb 11:32-38). We are to pray and believe for His intervention but our faith must always be in His sovereignty, “The God we serve is rescue

When God says ‘No’ what is my reaction?

us...but if He does not...we will not serve your gods” (Dan 3:17,18). Regardless of the outcome, they would continue to love and obey Him. Is that our response too, or are we following Him just when it is convenient and for the blessings then run when the going gets tough (Job 13:15; Lk 8:13; Jn 6:67). We are invited to come to our loving heavenly Father and ask in faith, confident that He delights to give good gifts to His children (Mt 7:7,11; Jn 14:13,14). We cannot command God to respond to our prayers according to our limited understanding because His ways are so superior to ours, so we can only make our requests known (Isa 55:8,9; Eph 6:18; Phil 4:6). We like the easy option; however, realistically the hard path develops qualities that come no other way.

Accepting Christ as Saviour is not a guarantee for a hassle free journey to heaven. In fact, because a person has changed teams from Satan’s Kingdom to the Kingdom of God’s own Son, this will attract much opposition, yet the main ‘benefit’ of salvation is for the next life – the joys of heaven in contrast to the eternal torment of hell.

Although ‘no church is perfect’ because none of us as Christians are perfect the corporate body of believers is still a very important and strategic part of God’s plan for this world. As marriage partners we are also 'work in progress' but should be heading in the right direction (Phil 1:6). As redeemed sinners, we should continually be growing in our relationship with the Lord as the previous influence of the world on our lives is replaced with His righteousness. Realism accepts our shortcomings (and those of others) yet trusts God that He is able to use us in spite of our faults.

See also: acceptance, escapism, not being ministered to, problems, reaction, reality, response, sovereignty of God, submission, trials, truth, why.