Mary was forgiven much and she loved the Master abundantly (Lk 7:47). Hasn’t Christ forgiven us lots too – do we love Him profusely in return? (Remember Jesus said if that is the case, it will show in our obedience – Jn 14:15).
“Of those to who much is given, much is required” for the greater the privilege, the greater the responsibility (Lk 12:48). The measure or proportion of faith that we all have received should be a governing influence in every aspect of our lives, from appraising ourselves to the using of our varying gifts (Rom 12:3,6-8). Every ability and possession is valuable in proportion to its usefulness and capability to be a blessing.
The more seed sown the bigger the harvest
God so you can confidently expect Him to reciprocate in a similar measure for He is no man’s debtor (1 Sam 2:30). Don’t hold back. He will increase what we invest (2 Cor 8:2-5, 9:10,11). We will be rewarded in proportion to our service and dedication on earth (Mt 16:27; Lk 18:29,30; 1 Cor 3:8; Rev 22:12).
God doesn’t expect us to give more financially than we are able but from out of a grateful heart – giving as we are able, according as the Lord has blessed us (Deut 16:10,17; 2 Cor 9:7). This should be in keeping with our income, outgoings and level of faith (1 Cor 16:2). The tithe (a tenth) was required under the OT law, and now even though we are in the ‘day of grace’ do not be stingy about giving to the Kingdom of God and blessing others. Consider the widow who gave only a fraction of the monetary value of the rich people, yet proportionally she put in more than all the others because her offering was a sacrifice of her living, while the rich people gave out of their surplus (Mk 12:41-44).
See also: generosity, gifts and giving, measure, sow and reap, tithe.