Progressive Christianity
This recent Protestant movement is characterized by an inclination to question tradition, the acceptance of human lifestyle diversity, environmental stewardship of the earth and the core gospel message shifting from sin and redemption to a social gospel.
Along with post-modernism and post Christians whose views are similar there isAnother method of Satan to keep people out of heaven
diminishing acceptance given to the clear authoritative teaching of the Bible and tendency to follow secular thought and so deny core essential doctrines of the faith, which leads to developing an entirely different gospel. It is man wanting all of God’s blessings, without submitting to His rule and reign. The focus is on the horizontal implications of the gospel for society without addressing the vertical reconciliation of sinners with God. It desires the kingdom without the King, having the blessings without fulfilling the requirements. Paul said people are easily deceived and quickly embrace a belief system that fits our humanistic ways and doesn’t require conformity to God's requirements (2 Cor 11:3,4; Gal 1:6-9).
As such they are more palatable to the humanistic worldview of its adherents rather than those of God’s righteous standards. Many of these beliefs promote a Bible that is not authoritative, a Jesus who didn’t die for you, and a God who cannot save you. It’s another gospel that Paul warned about, a deception of Satan so that people who are religious miss heaven (Gal 1:6,7). Jesus spoke of people who thought they should be in heaven yet absent because they did not obey Him (Mt 7:21-23).
As believers, we are to build on and reinforce the basic foundation principles of the faith besides discovering more of our inheritance in Christ and the riches of the Word of God, yet not replacing the elementary teachings with new unbiblical ideas (Heb 6:1-3). Practical and structured discipleship along with our own walk with the Lord, discernment and involvement in some form of ministry helps us come to maturity in Christ that is grounded in the Bible's truths and not deviate into false teaching.
Each claim and belief of any movement should be filtered through the Word of God, and whatever does not line up with Scripture should be rejected. While traditions and beliefs should be open to being examined, the truth as defined by the Bible is what should be adhered to.
We are not given the freedom to formulate our own beliefs
religion without the need of salvation because people are basically good, with sin and any consequences of wrong not worthy of mention with the belief in universalism that all will be saved without the need for a personal decision.
Other views of progressive Christianity that do not fit with biblical principles including: the emphasis on personal belief over Biblical mandates with feelings, experiences and opinions valued over the objective, definitive and authoritative Word of God; essential Christian doctrines are open for re-interpretation/redefining; terms such as inerrancy/authority/inspiration take on a different meaning.
There are innumerable pathways to alleged spiritual enlightenment but none lead to eternal life except the ‘Jesus alone’ path (Jn 14:6). To combat all the error that effortlessly arises there must be structured, balanced Bible theology and teaching that tackles all the wrong precepts (1 Cor 1:23; 2 Tim 3:16,17).
See also: cheap gospel, deception, discernment, false teaching, foundation truths, heresy, humanism, post-Christian, post-modernism, religion, truth, universalism.