<<safety measures>>
To a large degree, wise choices safeguard against disaster or problems. Thinking through the possible scenarios, being aware and planning
beforehand, setting in place systems and checks besides monitoring situations, are all wise measures so you will not be ambushed by worldly
traps or those of Satan
(2 Cor 2:11). Learn from the experiences of others so you don’t make the same mistakes.
Stay away from the enemy’s camp
sin lurks; don’t sell-out your character by putting yourself in unwise, vulnerable situations where Satan can gain the advantage over you, either in reality or intent (Mt 5:27,28).
Preparation takes place before the test or exam. Take the Word of God to heart; know the Scriptures and stay close to Jesus, under His
protective covering
so you will not be led astray. Know what your vulnerable areas to temptation are and put in place safeguards and accountability measures.
Obedience or prevention is better than endeavouring to correct a matter after the wrong has happened (1 Sam 15:22). By walking in
obedience and integrity, you set yourself up for His blessing. “Consider the path of your feet, always choose the right way” (Prov 4:26).
Regularly review your life, correct any areas where
you are starting to get lax and compromise.
See also: accountability, covering, disasters, guard, integrity, preparation, vulnerable, wisdom/wise.