<<request, plea>>
An earnest request, appealing to God in prayer, or addressed to another authority figure. Hannah the mother of Samuel testified, "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him" (1 Sam 1:27). She gave glory to God for the answer to her prayers. Am I as quick to thank Him for the answers as I am to make the request? “We fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer” (Ezra 8:23; Dan 9:3,17). In spite of knowing there was a death penalty for anyone who prayed to anyone but the king. Undeterred, Daniel was not intimidated but continued to pray to "his God, just as he had done before" (Dan 6:8-13). God vindicated him. God was honoured, Daniel's life was spared but not those of his accusers (Dan 6:21-28).
How is my prayer life?
heartfelt prayers of Jesus, but His request to be spared physical death and spiritual separation from God when our sin was heaped on Him was denied (Mt 26:39,42,44, 27:46; Jn 11:42). This was necessary to procure salvation (for all you would receive the gift).