<<children without parents>>
Queen Esther was an orphan and taken care of by her relative Mordecai who raised her as his own daughter (Est 2:7). She related well to him,
to his counsel and was very instrumental in saving the Jews from annihilation.
Do I befriend those who are alone?
provide economic support they were reduced to begging or selling themselves as slaves (Act 6:1-7; 1 Tim 5:3-16). God is particularly sympathetic to their predicament – He is a father to the fatherless defending them and caring for them as His own (Ps 10:14,18, 68:5, 82:3). As His children, the Bible teaches that true Christianity is aware of and helps such people, who through circumstances beyond their control are in these situations and powerless to adequately provide for their needs (Jas 1:27). There are numerous people in society, whose families have rejected them, and are fending for themselves, without supportive networks around them. Christians should be at the forefront of providing for them, for God commands us to protect and care for orphans and widows (Ps 82:3).
Many children are disadvantaged because they are growing up in homes where the father is absent – through separation or divorce.
Jesus explained that He was going away yet He would not leave the disciples as spiritual orphans, without support or help but would send the Holy Spirit to take His place (Jn 14:18). As believers we have the Holy Spirit within, been adopted into God's family through Christ and have God's promise He would never leave us (1 Cor 6:19; Eph 1:3-7; Heb 13:5).
See also: alone, Esther, fatherless, outcasts, vulnerable, widow/widower.