
<<decree, rule>>

Jesus specifically instructed His followers to fulfil two practices – water baptism and communion (Mt 28:18-20; Lk 22:19). They are acts of obedience in response to God’s grace having worked and continuing to be at work in our lives. Baptism is a public declaration we belong to the Lord while regularly taking communion recalls the sacrifice

Have I been baptized and regularly take communion?

of our Lord and the salvation of our souls (1 Cor 11:23-25). Both are symbolic visual aids to help us better understand and appreciate what the redemptive work of Jesus Christ accomplished for us. These were introduced by Christ, taught by the apostles and practiced by the early church. Believers baptism was introduced by Christ (Mt 28:19,20); taught by the apostles (Act 19:1-5; Rom 6:3,4); practiced in the church (Act 2:41, 8:26-40). Communion was introduced by Christ (Mt 26:26-29; Mk 14:22-25; Lk 22:17-20); taught by the apostles (1 Cor 11:23,24); and practiced in the early church (Act 2:42; 1 Cor 11:17-33).

Observing them is in obedience to Christ, yet they should not become boring rituals or legalistic event, devoid of meaning and joy. Keeping these or any other practices are insufficient for salvation, which can’t be gained by any ‘works’ on our behalf (Eph 2:8,9,15; Col 2:14-23).

See also: baptism (water), communion, legalism, obedience, ritual, rules.