
<<occasion, opening>>

“Seek the Lord while He may be found” and respond to the promptings of His Spirit because unless He calls us we can’t respond on our own initiative
(Gen 6:3; Isa 55:6,7; Rom 3:11). Without His help, we do not approach in the way He instructs – in humility and through the blood of Jesus – so be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's gentle nudging (Isa 30:21; Jn 14:6). In our sinfulness humanity is at enemity with God, and our natural response is typified by that of Adam and Eve who after disobeying did not want to be in God's company (Gen 3:8; Rom 8:7; Jas 4:4).

Be ready and prepared (through learning and training) to make the most of the opportunities you are given in life to let your light shine for Jesus, being a true representative of His by sharing about Him as appropriate (Mt 5:16; Eph 5:16; Col 4:5).  See the potential that can result by stepping out in faith, moving out beyond your comfort zone into an ever-increasing realm of effective service for God.

It’s too late to prepare when the opportunity comes

Believe in yourself, His plans for you, and what you can accomplish with Him. Understand the possibilities that are available to us as children of the All-powerful God, as we seek to make disciples of Christ by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us, to do what He has decided should happen (Mt 28:19,20; Act 4:28). Attempt great things for God with consistent effort and, although there will be setbacks, keep your eye on the desired goal (Heb 12:2).

How many times have we failed to take the opportunity to share Christ with hurting humanity? Opportunities can easily pass us by and may not come again; some may have serious consequences such as "he who sleeps during harvest" (Prov 10:5).

Be actively involved in the Kingdom of God, experiencing continual growth, developing your skills and refining your talents, knowing many future opportunities are just the next step ahead as you faithfully do what is at hand now. David had increased in courage, confidence in God and ability by dealing with a bear and a lion before his victorious encounter with Goliath.

“As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” (Gal 6:10). Volunteer your services, and seriously consider the requests of others when asked to do something or to help out – they obviously think you have what it takes!  This will bless them while also enriching yourself. Serve faithfully and wholeheartedly, as unto the Lord, for who knows what doors will open as a result of our efforts.

Every day we are presented with numerous opportunities to bless others or react selfishly for opportunities always require a response to accept and embrace or decline and reject, yet so often we are unaware of the significance of our actions or lack of them (Mt 25:34-46). We serve God by serving people. Problems are an opportunity for spiritual growth as

We are given the choice to use or neglect these occasions 

we outwork the fruit of the Spirit if we deny the old life and so bring glory to God by responding correctly (Gal 5:22,23).  Paul used such situations not to wollow in self-pity but rather to demonstrate his devotion to God (Act 16:22-25; Phil 1:12-14).

Satan also seizes the opportunity to deceive through a lack of knowledge of the truth or past events so don’t allow him the opening to bring you back into bondage (Rom 7:8,11; Eph 4:27; 1 Pet 5:8).

Remember, too, that increased opportunities also bring increased responsibilities (Gen 24:14; Prov 18:16; Lk 12:48).

See also: challenge, chance, choice, comfort zone, fruit (spiritual), initiative, possible/possibilities, preparation, proactive, responsible/responsibility, volunteer.