<<mystical or magical powers>>
This includes any counterfeit religious or spiritual experience that doesn’t come from God. Often it involves a strong desire to obtain mysterious or secret knowledge about the unknown and connecting to spirit guides. False religions are closely linked to the occult, promising peace, power, knowledge and access to a ‘higher power’ but lead into darkness because the source is Satan and involvement exposes the person and their descendants to demonic (evil spirit) influences and deception (Num 14:18).
Jesus is the only true way to connect to the supernatural (Jn 14:6). While God has revealed many things to the church for us to live by we are not to resort to other sources to try to gain enlightenment in hidden matters or satisfy our human curiosity (Deut 29:29). When a person tries to function in the spiritual realm independently of God, they open themselves up to evil spiritual forces – demonic activity, oppression and possession.
Do not try to obtain spiritual knowledge except through Jesus Christ, as revealed by the Holy Spirit, in the Bible, and through prayer. He reveals insights and guidance to those who are walking with Him and desire to do His will (Ps 25:14; Dan 2:28,29; Am 3:7; Mt 11:25, 16:17; 1 Cor 2:11).
Seek the right source of knowledge and power
The main branches of the occult are divination (which provides knowledge about people and events, often relating to the future), and sorcery (which uses various means to make an impact on the physical senses, usually with evil intent). The various practices include: consulting mediums, divination, psychic predictions, extrasensory perception (ESP), horoscopes (astrology), casting spells, Spiritism, fortune telling, wizards, witches and witchcraft, calling up the spirits of dead people, superstitions, séances, magic, crystal healing, hypnosis, Ouija boards, tarot cards, Wicca, lucky charms, free masonry, sorcery, New Age activities, martial arts and illicit drugs. These and similar practices, some of which are mentioned in Scripture, are to be avoided (Gen 41:8; Ex 22:18; Deut 18:10,11). Those living these lifestyles are often immoral too.
Satan’s deceptive, evil system turns people away from the one true God to false gods, bringing them into bondage to himself as they search for answers that the material realm doesn’t provide – having a desire for power over others, a fascination with the supernatural and wanting to know the future (1 Tim 4:1). Paul taught that any departure from the true gospel truth was inherently evil (Gal 1:8,9). Hence, we are not to blindly accept all spiritual claims but "test the spirits" meaning we are to discern the source by which a teacher is influenced and rejecting error but holding fast to that which is consistent with the teachings of Scripture (Act 17:11; 1 Thes 5:21; 1 Jn 4:1-6).
A psychic is a person who is sensitive to influences of a mental or supernatural nature, claiming to see into the future, identifying information hidden from the normal senses (by means such as extrasensory perception) or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws. A medium is a person who allegedly communicates with spirits of those deceased; they are an intermediary between the spirit world and ours. The Bible condemns this practice, “Do not turn to mediums…I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums…mediums must be put to death” (Lev 19:31, 20:6,27). Again in the NT these sorts of practices are strongly condemned and those involved will be exclude from heaven: “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality…witchcraft…those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal 5:19-21; Rev 21:8). The Bible reveals that King Saul’s interaction with a medium was a key part of why he was dethroned and his dynasty cut short (1 Chr 10:13,14). It is understood any alleged communication with dead people is actually an evil spirit impersonating them.
Freedom is available in Christ
besides claiming the Bible promises (Lk 10:17; Jas 4:7,8; 1 Jn 3:8, 4:4). Deliverance from the bondage may be necessary. As believers, we must have on the full armour of God so we can withstand Satan's destructive intent for us (Jn 10:10; Eph 6:10-18). Besides submitting to the Lordship of Christ, destroy all objects and connections with the occult (Act 19:19,20). Break off any relationships with those who continue in the occult.
See also: any of the above practices, armour (spiritual), cults, deception, deliverance, false teaching, hypnosis, New Age, spirit guides, spirit realm, spiritual awareness and experiences, Spiritualism, repentance, renounce, witches/witchcraft.