
<<people group; country>>

Over succeeding generations, from the various clans of Noah’s sons different nations descended, with God ensuring the various communities dispersed by introducing a great variety of languages (Gen 10:32, 11:7-9; Act 17:26). The Israelite nation was founded when God told Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation”, and promised his family line would become a blessing to all the nations of the world, while “Those nations that bless Israel will be blessed, those that curse Israel will be cursed” (Gen 12:2,3, 18:18, 27:29; Ex 23:22). They increasingly became a distinct people group, led by God and protected by Him as His “treasured possession” (Ex 19:3-6, 23:22; Deut 4:20, 14:2; Isa 41:9-11).

Although all the nations are under God’s control there is blessing for “the nation whose God is the Lord” because “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Job 12:23; Ps 33:12; Prov 14:34).

God says, “Ask of me, and I will give the nations for your inheritance”, yet our part is to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Ps 2:8; Mt 28:19,20). Multicultural people groups, purchased by the blood of Christ ‘from every tribe, language, people and nation’, will populate Heaven (Rev 5:9). Am I

Am I reaching out beyond my culture to other nationalities?

actively doing my part, reaching out to my neighbours, family and work colleagues besides supporting missions in various countries that are spreading the gospel to help bring this about?

See also: Assyria, Babylon, culture, Egypt, Israel, Jews, people, race/racism, Roman Empire.