
<<command >>

This is an official order to do something. Yet just because the authorities require a certain action, there are usually valid alternatives which may be acceptable if the matter can be discussed logically. Daniel suggested a replacement diet to the food that being a Jew would have defiled him and his associates, and reluctantly this was permitted and proved a good option (Dan 1:8).

We are not to be blind sheep following all the mandates made by (probably) an ungodly government. Increasingly governments have their own agendas (with pressure from the World Economic Forum/New World Order), with directives that defy logic or commonsense and are not for the benefit of mankind. In good faith and conscience, we can voice our disapproval in appropriate, lawful ways in areas where the government exceed their authority and constitutional legal powers. If instructed to do something contrary to what God has instructed in His word, we have the permission, and in fact an obligation to disobey for we, “must obey God rather than man” (Act 5:29). God is the supreme ‘maker of orders’ and we are to be loyal to Him and prepared to accept without complaint or protest any consequences for disobeying the human authority. However, when those in authority over us instruct us to do what does not contradict the Word of God it is our responsibility to submit and fully obey, even it makes us uncomfortable or seems unreasonable (Rom 13:1,2). We are to submit right up to the point where obedience to the state would necessitate disobedience to God. The Bible's instruction to slaves was to submit to their masters, even the harsh ones, as this is following in the steps of Jesus who entrusted Himself to God who judges and rewards justly (1 Pet 2:18-23).

The exceptions to our obeying human authorities include when we are instructed to: kill someone (Ex 1:15-21, 20:13); engage in worship of someone or something other than God (Ex 20:5; Dan 3:14); not to pray (Dan 6:7,11,12); stop sharing the gospel (Mt 28:19,20;

God’s Word supersedes man’s

Act 4:17-20, 5:27-29,40-42); submit to medical procedures such as vaccinations you are not comfortable with as your bodies is the temple of the Holy Spirit and it is your responsibility to treat it with the highest respect (1 Cor 3:16, 6:19,20). Even though a government establishes a law this does not mean it is just and for the common good of the citizens. It is wrong and a misuse of power for a state to force or mandate its residents in moral issues as it is outside their scope of delegated authority which is to judge what is evil and reward what is good (Rom 13:3-5; 1 Pet 2:13,14). The law does not dictate our ethics. God does.

When the government prohibits what God commands, or when the government commands what God prohibits the Christ-follower must disobey human authority. Thus whenever laws are enacted which contradict God’s law, civil disobedience becomes a Christian duty. This demonstrates our submissiveness to God, not our defiance of government. As believers we are to love, worship and serve God (Deut 6:13; Mt 4:10; Mk 12:30).

See also: civil disobedience, consequences, disobedience, ethics, force, obedience, New World Order, persecution, responsible/responsibilities, rights, submission.