
<<control, supervision>>

The success of any venture or business largely depends on the management – the function of which is to co-ordinate the efforts of people to accomplish defined objectives through using the available resources effectively and efficiently. Managers have varying levels of authority and control. When a leadership decision has been made, it needs to be intentionally managed by following through; implemented with discipline to bring about the beneficial outcome envisaged. In any form of management, there is an authority structure that includes respect and obedience (submission) to those in control.

Good managers know their staff – their strengths, weaknesses and capabilities – slotting the various people into roles in which they will excel, yet always seeing there is an attainable challenge to keep them focused and develop beyond their current comfort level. Continual improvement and progress are vital monitoring guidelines to greater productivity. Good communication, accountability and healthy relationships are all factors of sound stewardship and, when channelled correctly, with motivation, bring outstanding results. Managers should provide clear guidelines, imparting direction and overseeing yet giving room for creativity and initiative, besides delegating and providing ongoing training.

When something is managed properly, there is a logical reasoned, planned and disciplined approach that has clearly defined goals yet can adapt to adverse scenarios if required. It is not a haphazard, ‘make it up as we go along’ unpredictable ‘whatever will be’ reaction. Leaders by contrast, because they are driven by creativity and passion of vison can tolerate chaos to bring about change.

How we manage or implement the decisions we make will determine their success or failure. Our own self should be the primary focus of our managing skills, for “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city” (Prov 16:32). We determine the

Things are managed, but people are lead by motivating and setting an example

outcome of our lives by our decisions and reactions, from the control of our desires and emotions to the use of our time. There are factors ‘for’ and ‘against’ everything we do in life, so harness your passions and desires so they serve your God-given purpose.

Managers should care for their employees, treat them well and provide a fair wage for the workers, understanding they also are under authority and accountable (Lk 7:3; Col 4:1; Heb 4:13, 9:27; Jas 5:4).

See also: accountability, authority, comfort zone, control, delegate, employment, example, leaders/leadership, self-control, stewardship, submission.