<<evil queen of Israel>>
Queen Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab of Israel. Both these extremely wicked rulers governed during the time of Elijah the prophet, and introduced Israel to pagan Baal worship, which was particularly known for its immoral practices. The Bible records her actions in controlling others, including her husband, and especially in the spiritual realm by ordering the extermination of the prophets of God and those who stood in her way. Having a sin-loving heart she was completely committed to Satan (1 Kgs 18:4,13, 19:2,).
Her story is told in 1 Kings 16:31-2 Kings 9:37. Ahab her husband became king in 874 BC.
Lessons from her life * She is used as an example of those who utterly reject God by worshipping idols and living immorally (Rev 2:20). While the Bible does not specifically mention a ‘Jezebel spirit’, her ungodly rebellious personality is displayed both within the church and in the world. Characterized by control and manipulation, shamelessly engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching and unrepentance, it brings chaos into families and churches. Be aware of people who exhibit these traits, and do not come under their influence, instead ensure you maintain a close upright walk with God.
* Jezebel was the powerful persuasive influence behind her evil husband and also used her position to get her way which involved murder (1 Kgs 21:1-16, 25,26). Her evil legacy lived on through her family line as her sons Ahaziah and then Joram ruled over Israel (1 Kgs 22:51-53; 2 Kgs 3:1-3). Her corrupt influence also spread to the southern kingdom of Judah through her daughter Athaliah, who married Jehoram, king of Judah. Thus, idolatry infected both kingdoms of the Hebrews through this evil queen. Do not underestimate the impact either deliberately or unintentionally that our lifestyle has on those around us. We either leave the world a better or worse place by being role models and examples for good or evil.
See also: Ahab, Baal, discernment, Elijah, family, legacy, role models.