
<<asset, input>>

The allocating of money, ability, or time with the expectation of benefit in the future must be qualified with “What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world yet lose their own soul?” (Mt 16:26). The Bible’s wise approach is “to sell all to get what is of infinite value”, referring to ensuring you are a Christian and will have eternal life (Mt 13:44-46). Once that vital issue has been addressed, we are encouraged to store up an eternal inheritance, so others are blessed and God’s Kingdom expanded, while also wisely planning and making provision for our earthly future, like ants who store up food when it is plentiful (Prov 30:25; Mt 6:19-21; 1 Tim 6:17-19).

Being wise stewards by investing our finances, time, resources and doing good works for others results in eternal benefit – this is contrasted with the self-centered rich person who forfeited everything (Lk 12:16-21). Sharing such blessings, although commendable will not get us into heaven, for this is only by the grace of God, yet ministering to others out of our love for Him should be the result of lives touched by the Lord (Mt 25:40; Eph 2:8,9).

God invested the life of Jesus in us. Are we giving a good return on that outlay or are we squandering what God has blessed us with on ourselves and earthly pleasures? He expects us to be a blessing to others (Gen 12:2). Full surrender is giving ourselves into His hands first, then wisely giving of our resources (2 Cor 8:3-5). Invest the talents and abilities we have received for God’s Kingdom knowing

How much am I investing in God’s Kingdom?

we are accountable to Him (Mt 25:14-30). God said, "Those who honour me, I will honour" and will be recompensed in excess of what we give (1 Sam 2:30; Mal 3:10). What we receive is proportional to what we give (Lk 6:38; 2 Cor 9:6). (Mt 18:28-30).  He tests us where our true devotion is. He needs nothing because everything is His anyway and He is self-sufficient but gives us the opportunity and priviledge to engage with Him in His work.

See also: accountability, good works, money, selfishness, sow and reap, stewardship, tithes.