
<<perception, discernment>>

The ability to understand or perceive the true nature of something and provide a solution to problems (1 Chr 12:32).

Being alert with your spiritual eyes open will keep you from being led astray by false teaching and falling into error (Mt 16:5-12). Paul prayed that his readers would grow in love and spiritual insight, being able to discern what is best (Phil 1:9,10). Pray that as you meditate in the Scriptures God will

Seeing with your spirit

give you insight or revelation into the real meaning coupled with the wisdom and motivation to apply that message into your life (Ps 119:18; 2 Tim 2:7). Understand what God’s plans and intentions for your life are. Guidance involves discernment of God’s will such as through the vision in which Peter received insight into what he was to do (Act 10:1-48).

Insight gave wise counsel – “What is of man’s origination will come to nothing but what is of God will remain” (Acts 5:38,39). The message to us is don’t act rashly or with impatience, rather understand what the will of God is and work in harmony with it (Eph 5:17).

Jesus challenged His disciples, “Don’t you yet perceive and comprehend?” (Mk 8:18). Think beyond the present situation. What He has done in the past should inspire faith in us for the future.

The downcast disciples on the Emmaus Road who didn’t have insight into who their fellow traveler was, became the joyous sharers of the good news when their spiritual eyes were opened (Lk 24:13-35). The facts were the same, it was a different perspective that made the change in perception. Do we allow problems and disappointment to prevent us

Pray you will have clarity of vision to see beyond the facts

from seeing Jesus with us, a very tangible and sustaining strength in times of trouble (Ps 46:1).  God allows the situations of life for our good so that we can be overcomers and victorious in Him (Rom 8:28,29; 1 Pet 1:6,7).

It is only through Christ that the ‘spiritual eyes’ or hearts of people can be opened to know the hope, riches and power available, for Satan seeks to keep both non-Christians and Christians from seeing what is available in Christ (Act 26:18; 2 Cor 3:16, 4:4; Eph 1:18). Thankfulness, desire, purity, and an open heart toward God are important factors in receiving insight into spiritual matters.

See also: discernment, guidance (divine), intuition, perception, revelation, understanding, wisdom/wise.