
<<respect, admiration>>

This tribute of esteem is given to, or received from others. It differs from worship which no other person or object is to receive, except God only (Ex 20:5).

We are to honour our father and mother (Ex 20:12; Eph 6:2,3).  Children are to obey their parents while under their care and authority, yet the honouring of parents lasts throughout life, treating them with courtesy, respect and love for their input into our lives. Even if they were abusive, they gave you life and you should respect the calling or function of parents, because God requires it.

The institution of marriage should be honoured by all, and the vows made kept (Heb 13:4).

In the church structure, teachers, preachers and those who take pastoral responsibilities are to be respected (1 Thes 5:12; 1 Tim 5:17). Do you express genuine appreciation for their spiritual insights and input into your life? Unless you do, how will they know – like anyone, they need encouragement too. Honouring others should be done without

Do I honour those who have input into my life?

expecting any favour in return.

We are to honour the Lord with our substance and we’ll have plenty (Prov 3:9,10). This includes tithes, offerings and using our resources to bless others.

It is essential to honour agreements and fulfill promises. During David's reign there was a prolonged famine that was only resolved when a treaty made hundreds of years beforehand by Joshua but then evidently dishonoured by King Saul was finally fulfilled (Josh 9:15-20; 2 Sam 21:1-10,14). Am I living true to my word, keeping the promises I have made?

We are to honour the function of the officials and authorities over us, even if we don’t respect the people's character and actions filling those positions (Rom 13:1,2,7; Tit 3:1,2; 1 Pet 2:17,18). Our acting respectfully reflects our character while being worthy of respect has to do with the other person.

We dishonour another by criticism, and cut ourselves off from their value to us. We hold the key to receiving blessing from others around us. Accentuating the good is valuing others for ‘who they are’, and releases them to be ‘who they are’ to you. If we accurately acknowledge who people are, we can honour Jesus in them, give them what they deserve, see people who are made in the image of God and empower them to live out their identity as sons and daughters of God.

Honouring a person uplifts them, accepts, and recognizes their value now, while empowering their future through restoration. Looking forward into the future, that can
be transformed, inspires hope rather than dwelling on the regrets of the past that can’t
be altered. The ministry of Jesus that brings dignity and individual worth is the most

Honour empowers people to be who they are created to be

important factor, which enables the transgressor to be empowered to take ownership. We can live by His definition of who we are, not the down-putting opinion of hurting people who are not speaking His truth.

Jesus is crowned with glory and honour because He humbled Himself and suffered death in our place (Heb 2:6-9). We are humbled that He should die for us, yet honoured that He saw what we could become through Him – redeemed and righteous children of God, instruments to help bring about His purposes on earth. It is the Christian’s privilege to honour and worship God now, besides later in heaven (Isa 45:23; Phil 2:10; Rev 4:9-11, 5:9-14).  While we are grateful for what Jesus did for us on the cross we do not honour or worship it – only Him.

God declares, “Those that honour me, I will honour” (1 Sam 2:30). If we humble ourselves, in due time God will see we are honoured and rewarded, because humility comes before honour (Prov 18:12; 1 Pet 5:5,6). Don’t seek honour or recognition for yourself; rather humbly and faithfully fulfill your duties and others will honour you (Lk 14:11; Rom 12:10). What is better than to receive a “Well done good and faithful servant” commendation from Jesus because you used your talents and resources “doing it as unto Him”? (Mt 25:21,23,40). Genuine faith will result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ returns (1 Pet 1:7).

How do we honour God? By loving and serving Him with our whole heart... (Mk 12:30; Jn 12:26; Jn 5:23). This means hearing and obeying His voice, being self-disciplined to cultivate our relationship by doing what He wants. Those that obey God will be blessed in return, while those who don’t hear and obey put themselves under a curse (Deut 28:1,15;

If we truly honour God we will obey Him – John 14:15

Mt 10:37-39, 19:27-30). “God is fair, He will not forget the works you did for others” (Heb 6:10). The rewards in heaven are in recognition of our labour for His Kingdom (Mt 6:4,6, 10:42; Lk 6:35; 1 Cor 3:8,14).  

See also: appreciation, credit/credited, recognition, relationships, respect, worship.