Higher Power

<<something greater than ourselves>>

Many people who do not want to acknowledge God (and therefore to whom they would be answerable), substitute a vague and inferior concept, interpreting their own understanding of a higher spiritual power as they see fit. However, we are ultimately all answerable individually to God, whether we believe in Him or not (Rom 14:12; Heb 4:13). The Bible declares all people in their hearts have an awareness of the true God who is a powerful, loving and specific being who created the world and is involved in human affairs (Rom 2:15,16; Heb 8:10).

A higher power is considered to be a spirit or energy force moving through the world that has the power to affect people's lives and nature. However, through ignorance people open themselves up to deceiving spirits that are not of God (1 Tim 4:1). Satan uses all sorts of methods, including spiritual forces masquerading as benevolent agencies, to entrap and deceive the unsaved so they won’t come to the true giver of life (Jn 10:10). The Bible states, even as believers we struggle against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm whose aim is to make us ineffective for God (Eph 6:10-12). Hence, we must utilise the spiritual armour so we are not deceived and taken captive by Satan (Eph 4:27, 6:13-18; 2 Tim 2:26; 1 Pet 5:8).

In the physical realm there is a structured line of command, be it in the home, community, church, business or nation with the recognised principle that we all must submit to the higher power of authority over us; in the spiritual realm that is the Lord God Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth (Lk 7:8; Rom 13:1-7). As believers, He is our commander-in-chief and we must relate only to Him, not allowing any man-made, mythical or ungodly spiritual influence to have input into or control over our lives. The Bible clearly states, we are not to worship any other God or give any allegiance to human authority if it contradicts God’s directives as “We must obey God, rather than [in preference to] man” (Ex 20:3-5; Act 5:29). We are instructed to not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God and serve Him only (Lk 4:8; 1 Jn 4:1).

See also: armour (spiritual), authority, deception, discernment, spirit realm, spiritual warfare, submission.