They inspire the hope that I can rise to a greater level. Who inspires me?
like, unfortunately such ‘stars’ are frequently idolized. However, as they are only human they have character flaws and are liable to stumble; besides not giving the credit for their achievements to God. This happened to Nebuchadnezzar and Herod (Dan 4:28-37; Act 12:22,23).
When your “Goliath” hero or what you put your hope in doesn’t deliver what is your reaction? (1 Sam 17:51). Do you run, engage in destructive actions, give up, complain or blame others? We are to keep our eyes on Jesus, who purchased our salvation and never falters in His integrity or character (Heb 12:2).
The Bible acclaims Moses as the greatest prophet, David as famous, achieving victory everywhere he went, and the numerous champions of faith – named and unnamed (Deut 34:10-12; 2 Sam 8:13,14; Heb 11:4-39). In God’s eyes those who bear up under the pain of unjust suffering because of their faith in Christ are commended (1 Pet 2:19).
Aim to be a hero of the faith
and faith, so you will receive His commendation, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Eccl 9:10; Mt 25:21,13). Push beyond your comfort zone, aim to fulfill your calling in Him and stand out from the crowd – for the right reasons. Do not under-estimate your potential in Christ.
See also: achievement, comfort zone, example, fame.