Guidance (human)
<<earthly direction>>
This article discusses human guidance, as contrasted with divine guidance while acknowledging that spiritual and natural aspects can be interconnected. This is illustrated in verses such as, "He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake... The integrity of the upright guides them..." (Ps 23:3; Prov 11:3). A prime example of the divine direction interacting with the physical world was when the Lord guided the Israelites by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night during their wilderness journey (Ex 13:21).
Common sense, experience, instinct, and perception, along with guidance and information from various sources, are generally effective in addressing everyday practical challenges. Individuals with relevant expertise or experience besides books, online posts, and structured programs such as mentorships, apprenticeships, and internships offer guidance and support, helping less experienced individuals gain valuable insights. A guide's role involves a thorough understanding of the path, including its challenges and risks, having navigated it before or being further along the journey.
We all need help to navigate our way through life
him, but a wise man listens to advice” (Prov 4:26, 12:15). Evaluate if the proposed course of action is morally and ethically right? Will it enable me to “conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phil 1:27)? Have you prayed about the matter? If there is a discrepancy between God's revealed principles (as stated in the Bible) and our planned route it is advisable to go His way as this will result in blessing and not heartache if we stubbornly go our own way or look for guidance from occult/spirit guides.
Since no one knows everything, we can learn from others just as they can learn from us. Mistakes and failures are part of the process. Instead of feeling discouraged or considering oneself a failure, it is important to recognize that these experiences provide valuable lessons and better preparation for future attempts.
Many of us have benefited from the guidance of someone more skilled in a particular area of life. It is important to extend this support to those who are confused or facing difficulties, by providing them with direction. The Bible’s golden rule advises us to treat others as we would like to be treated (Lk 6:31).
God's ways are often different to ours – Isaiah 55:8
individuals. The consequence of following unqualified advisers is illustrated by Jesus in the parable of the blind leading the blind with both inevitably falling into the ditch (Mt 15:14).
It is wise not to provide all the answers or tell those who come to you for guidance what to do but rather point them in the right direction, by providing the tools and resources to discover the solution. This helps them think and process the options available, developing creative and innovative solutions instead of ‘blindly’ responding in obedience.
See also: application, common sense, discernment, golden rule, guidance (divine), humility, instruction, knowledge, mentor, perception, spirit guides.