
This is a form of emotional and psychological abuse or manipulation designed to gain control over another – the victim. It takes the form of contradicting and denying that an event took place, even though the victim knows it to be true. This is designed to make the victim feel like they are crazy or overreacting and doubt their memory and perception. The result is the victim slowly learns to mistrust their own judgment, perception, and even sanity allowing the abuser to define reality for them rather than their own mind. This form of manipulation was the nature of Satan’s communication with Eve in the Garden of Eden, when he said, “Did God really say…” (Gen 3:1-3). Satan’s aim was to cast doubt on what God had said and she knew to be true, yet as we know, Adam and Eve were deceived by Satan and fell for the temptation.  

While we are to be in relationship with others and allow them to speak into our lives, we must not abandon our reasoning and blindly follow their judgments, nor allow them to isolate us from those who can give an alternative balanced viewpoint and provide support. It is important to identify the truth, and discern what is distortion and lies. The only person to whom we are to give unswerving allegiance to is God and the Holy Spirit within.

Healthy relationships give us a sense of mental and emotional well-being. While there may be disagreements with others at times about some issues, with over-sensitive people taking matters more personally, self-doubt is the crippling aspect of gaslighting that knocks people’s understanding of reality off-balance. When another regularly negates your perception, insists that you are wrong and your emotional reaction is crazy it is time to avoid interaction with them. 

See also: abuse, control, deception, doubtsisolation, manipulation, relationships, truth, victim.