<<drifting apart>>
This is losing the former affection and fellowship that once was shared. The prime example is that of Adam and Eve, who when they sinned became estranged from God (Gen 3:8-11). Because "your sins have separated you from God" mankind has been in a broken relationship with Him ever since, yet God has been consistently pursuing reconciliation (Isa 59:2; 2 Cor 5:19). Rebellion against His commands (sin) creates this estrangement from Him with no hope of forgiveness of sin and eternal life (Isa 53:6; Jn 3:19,20; Rom 6:23). The story of the prodigal son illustrates estrangement and reconciliation (Lk 15:11-32). Yet when we, like the head-strong son come to our senses, humble ourselves, and confess our sin to God He promises to forgive with the separation ending and reconciliation beginning (Jn 3:16-18, 14:6; Act 2:38, 3:19; Rom 10:12,13). The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ put an end to the estrangement for all who come to Him in faith (Jn 1:12).
Don’t let estrangement from God or your family blight your life
connection must be reestablished and maintained in humility with those we love, for “Can two walks together unless they agree to do so?” (Amos 3:3).
Most often these rifts are between young people and their parents or siblings. Rebellious teenagers become estranged from their parents through unresolved tensions and differing goals and refuse to be disciplined or guided. The root issue is real or perceived breaches in trust and some form of emotional wound experienced through wrong actions and hurtful words. Someone’s feelings got hurt and their pride would not let them resolve the dispute, recover, forgive, and heal. When loving and trusting relationships are severely damaged by one or more incidents that cause significant hurt and anger, it often leads to separation. In such cases, the departing party may not desire or hope for reconciliation.
If I am alienated from someone, what steps am I taking to reverse it?
perseverance, character, and hope within you as you address the matter through prayer (Rom 5:3-5). Sometimes an independent negotiator can bring about reconciliation by helping to bring clarity and commonsense to the impass.
For those in such hurtful situations, offering compassion and support without giving opinions is appropriate.
See also: broken, conflict, divorce, hurt, reconciliation, relationships, restitution/restore, separate, words.